I thought the Nikon was on balance the worst lens in the test, and I sold my afterward.
I have found no essential difference in the colors from the Zeiss and Sony after gray card WB. I would be interested in how you define "poorer".
I am not a lens-tester, Jim. I go by my eyes. For my sources of info, I go to LenScore, mostly.
Because (once again) a thread topic gets derailed to Sony, I have now read about 4 Sony macro reviews, there is almost
not a single image taken that I would have kept, personally.
Every review I have read has been posted by guys who clearly never shoot macro, choosing mundane subjects (piles of leaves, token flowers, etc.), as they walk around taking cursory photos, just so they can fill up the pages of a review. According to my eyes, in every instance there are blown highlights, muted colors, and not-very-good critical focus, which tells me they were taken by-hand, no tripod, no real effort to take a really good macro shot.
By contrast, I have seen multiple photos taken by the Voigtländer 125, posted by multiple individuals, that "jump out" to me as simply exceptional: the color, the clarity, the rendering, everything.
I would be interested in seeing
your macro photos, as a gauge of your opinion of macro lenses, more so than your blogs about test charts.
The Leica lens is a perfect example, as are several Leica lenses, of a lens that doesn't measure very well but has a rendering that is lovely in some circumstances (in my book, lens character is composed of adorable flaws; a perfect lens has no character).
I've never shot the Leica, so I can't comment. I have read Michael's (and others') describe the 3D rendering, which I would be interested in myself.
I personally now use the Voigtländer 125 Apo for most 1:1 macro, but also use my 300mm f/2.8 II for long-shots.
Again, would like to see your macro
shots, the colors, rendering, etc.