I've spent the last six weeks or so unable to play guitar due to a chronic right wrist injury. I somehow strained a tendon or ligament in my sleep, causing muscle tissue to swell up, causing some nerve impingement. It gets mostly better, then I do something stupid like lifting a heavy object with my right hand/arm and it starts all over. At least I can operate a camera without discomfort…
"Boy, you're gonna carry that weight a long time." (Attached pic.)
You have my sympathy; my sciatica has
given me a great excuse stopped me from taking pictures outwith the house; I suppose I shall have to overcome that, because if I don't quite soon, I'll forget what little PS stuff I learned. However, combined with my eye problems, photography has become a bit easier. Yes, easier, because the last few shots I made were with one or the other of my only two af optics. I don't use the others much, not only beause they are manual - and probably nicer than the af ones - but because I'm into wide open (or thereabouts) pix these past few months and trying to do that wih poor vision ain't too successful at the best of times - well, without a split-image screen, that it.
OT, but I've spent a few evenings watching back numbers of the French cop drama:
Engrenages (Spirals). It's quite a raw series, and if it represents Paris, then glad to be living in a hick town on an island in the Med! However, it confirmed a growing suspicion I have held for a while: the French can't speak French. The only people who speak French properly are British school marms and fellow students of the day. We understood one another perfectly. It must be something to do with the Common Market.
Thank goodness for subtitles.