I always thread the moment when I have to search for a file in Capture One Pro because the database is so bad.
Back in the days I had Lightroom 1 (the first version) and its search function was, back then, very good and useful while Capture One 9 still can't get it together.
I just did a search, and it gave me a spinning beach ball forever, and then came up with search results that didn't even have the search term linked to them.
Can't Capture One get its act together and give us a search function that actually works? Why has Adobe managed to do in 2008 that Phase One still cannot do in 2017?
Gladly I have descriptive file names so I can at least find images by looking at the row of folders.
The search function is totally useless.
And, as we are at it: the key element of good interface design is that it is designed that its organization and function becomes clear by the choice and arrangement of buttons. Not in Capture One Pro. That interface doesn't make the slightest sense.
I'd love to see a combination of Capture One processing and the Adobe Lightroom database. While Lightroom is pretty good, I don't like the softish way it processes images and the skin colors aren't very convincing. This is why I have this long-lasting frustration with Capture One since version 3.
I just wish Phase One would finally hire a good interface designer.