The Lumariver profile designer is worth every € over dcamprof for ease of use. Indeed it is so easy to create new profiles that putting some work into enhancing the facilities for documenting the settings used to generate a particular profile would be welcome.
I find that the differences between different "looks" is very subtle and so probably not worth refining much further. My pictures certainly look much more natural than with the base Adobe profile.
One characteristic of the Natural+ profiles for the camera that I have worked most on (Leica SL) is that saturated highlights (e.g., on flowers) get lightened and desaturated. So I often have to reduce the highlights considerably in ACR/Lightroom. This may be a side-effect of the way that highlight roll-off is handled by the profiler. Is there any way of producing a profiles that produces darker, more constrasty, highlights?
It's sometimes instructive to compare what the Lightroom "Auto tone" setting does under different profiles. In my case, it often raises the shadows and increases the exposure. It would be good to have a tone curve in Lumariver that was closer to what ACR auto-tone produces, as I often find that to be a good starting point for further adjustment (typically for the Black / White points, e.g.)