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Author Topic: Minimalism  (Read 20053 times)


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #80 on: May 27, 2017, 01:50:29 pm »

Having all the wisdom in the world is worth nought if you keep it all to yourself.

Well, you can't accuse me of keeping it to myself, Phil.
Russ Lewis

Tim Lookingbill

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2017, 06:18:48 pm »

At my age I really don't want to be taught how to make my photos better. I just don't believe anyone, even self proclaimed experts, can make someone see in a new way and/or produce a photo with a unique signature that wasn't there before. And I believe this attitude is ramped to 11 by those who are highly educated retired engineers, doctors, lawyers, programmers, scientists, etc. and now hobbyist photographers. They don't want to be taught either.

Most of Russ's linked Minimalism samples to compare against the less loftier "I was there" tourist shots are just as emotionally empty to me but even worse convey a polished cleverness that seems to annoyingly pander to an audience who'll most likely look at it for 3 seconds and move on.

I kept asking on one of them why is the super model off in the distance silhouetted by a beach cliff scene and ocean horizon climbing a rope up to the cliff? That's a lot of crotch rope burn! Yikes! Ouch! Do any of these photographers who make these kind of shots read back in their mind similar descriptions?

If you're going to make an image that is produced in a style that grabs attention, it better have something to say and not just be eye candy or else I'll go looking at some touristy majestic mountain image which at least doesn't look staged.


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2017, 07:08:23 pm »

Well, you can't accuse me of keeping it to myself, Phil.

Your opinions, no.  Your wisdom, at times, yes.
Phil Brown


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #83 on: May 27, 2017, 07:21:11 pm »

At my age I really don't want to be taught how to make my photos better.

That's sad, Tim. At 87 I'd bet I'm older than you, yet I learn something new about a world full of images every day. Just look around you. The world is full of new things. "Photographing is nothing. Looking is everything." (HCB)
Russ Lewis


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #84 on: May 27, 2017, 07:23:42 pm »

Your opinions, no.  Your wisdom, at times, yes.

Absolutely no sense of humor. Which is typical of left-wingers.
Russ Lewis


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2017, 08:39:29 pm »

Absolutely no sense of humor. Which is typical of left-wingers.

Is it?  I don't know - I'm not a left-winger.  If this is all a joke, good and well, but I thought you might have had something worthwhile to share.
Phil Brown

Tim Lookingbill

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #86 on: May 27, 2017, 08:47:43 pm »

That's sad, Tim. At 87 I'd bet I'm older than you, yet I learn something new about a world full of images every day. Just look around you. The world is full of new things. "Photographing is nothing. Looking is everything." (HCB)

Russ, I didn't say I don't like learning. I said I don't want to be taught by someone else about a subject, image making, that I feel is a personal journey.

I'm well aware of the art of looking. I was doing that in my teens when I was teaching myself to draw. I'ld take the summer breaks not drawing, but just carefully looking. Surprisingly when I returned to school my drawing skill greatly improved. Here's some of the drawings I did, some paid for and some I did while in school.

So I dropped out of art school with a C average and went to work being paid to make the art you see on the t-shirt and the cartoon of the man and woman in that gallery.

I know a thing or two about teaching someone a new style or unique signature and I can tell you you can't teach that especially to those who frequent this forum and other photography sites.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 09:08:31 pm by Tim Lookingbill »

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2017, 10:15:26 pm »

...I'm not a left-winger...


Now, that must be a joke! Just waiting for the punch line.


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #88 on: May 28, 2017, 03:26:57 am »


Now, that must be a joke! Just waiting for the punch line.

Even in US terms, I'm centrist.  Fiscally conservative and socially liberal, but not by much on either as a general guide (obviously, like everyone, there are particular matters, issues, or policies where I might differ from the general description - the simple left/right meter is pretty limited).

Outside of the US, I'm slightly right of centre, but still as above in terms of fiscal and social general direction.

This is one of the problems with political extremism as it flows into extreme partisanship (which is widespread in the US - it's pretty much the norm), in that anyone who is more than a small step one way or the other from you is considered "extreme", because they don't conform to your (and I use the general and, in this case, specific "you") paradigm.  By being centrist, I'm left of you so you see me as left wing, but genuine left wingers see me as right wing.  There's the simple clue.

Having said that, I don't feel that being right, left, or middle is right or wrong - they're just different.  Even centrists can be "extreme", and I don't favour that.  It's extremism that I see as the problem.
Phil Brown

Eric Myrvaagnes

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #89 on: May 28, 2017, 08:55:41 am »

Even centrists can be "extreme", and I don't favour that.  It's extremism that I see as the problem.
-Eric Myrvaagnes (visit my website:


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #90 on: May 28, 2017, 09:30:29 am »

Even in US terms, I'm centrist.  Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. . .

Really? Then if you're fiscally conservative you must be in favor of reining in things like medicaid, and letting wages respond to the market rather than to a "minimum wage." But if you're a social liberal -- at least in the modern meaning of that word -- then you're glad to see medicaid expand and encompass more people, and you're in favor of a government-imposed "living wage" (whatever that is). Your statement is an oxymoron.
Russ Lewis

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #91 on: May 28, 2017, 09:49:19 am »

Even in US terms, I'm centrist... Outside of the US, I'm slightly right of centre..

Too funny, as I see myself the same way! Then again, we all tend to see ourselves in a more favorable light than others see us ;)

Rob C

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #92 on: May 28, 2017, 11:15:16 am »

Too funny, as I see myself the same way! Then again, we all tend to see ourselves in a more favorable light than others see us ;)

Clearly, Slobodan, your tastes don't encompass C&W music, not to menion Swamp Pop Rock!

If they did, you'd never write what you've just written.

It's the secret to my humility; I listen all day.



Tim Lookingbill

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #93 on: May 28, 2017, 02:21:28 pm »

So is everybody settled on which wing you fly off the handle on?

Wouldn't you know even this thread about photography would end up another "beating a dead horse" on political slanting and slandering.

Rob C

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #94 on: May 28, 2017, 02:37:59 pm »

So is everybody settled on which wing you fly off the handle on?

Wouldn't you know even this thread about photography would end up another "beating a dead horse" on political slanting and slandering.

You can't keep the important stuff down; photography is just a worthless, expensive game.


Tim Lookingbill

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #95 on: May 28, 2017, 03:18:57 pm »

You can't keep the important stuff down;



Just take some Pepto-Bismol.


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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #96 on: May 28, 2017, 05:55:52 pm »

Really? Then if you're fiscally conservative you must be in favor of reining in things like medicaid, and letting wages respond to the market rather than to a "minimum wage." But if you're a social liberal -- at least in the modern meaning of that word -- then you're glad to see medicaid expand and encompass more people, and you're in favor of a government-imposed "living wage" (whatever that is). Your statement is an oxymoron.

Firstly, I'm not an American, and secondly that's a very narrow view of both perspectives.  Of course there are times when the two sides come into conflict, that happens even for someone who is right or left of centre.  The key is that you take "socially liberal" as "a social liberal", but you miss the bit where I say not very far on either side for the most part.

I look at universal healthcare in Australia and see that we spend much less on health than the US does (public and private) for better outcomes.  I see that the US system is broken, with very poor fiscal outcomes.  It doesn't need to move to a universal healthcare system, but it does need to look at tort reform and health insurance and fix both, which are utterly broken.  The level of public healthcare probably can be expanded in some cases, but it's likely that overall costs would go down if less people needed it as a result of fixing those two aspects I mentioned.  Fiscally conservative, socially liberal - in a balance, with room to move around depending on needs (i.e. no extremism).

Wages?  That delves into far more complex economics than a simple yes or no to your question.  In essence, though, a reasonable and sustainable baseline to protect individuals who have essentially no power compared to their employers balanced against the need to reflect the actual value of the work.  The real issue is consumers expecting to get a lot for nothing, and I have to say the tip system which in theory pays those who do better but in reality often screws over people because the consumers don't always play the game fairly.  The expectation that tips are your basic income is fundamentally flawed because regardless of your performance, someone can stiff you on the tip.

So, complex, but very much capable of being looked at from both perspectives to achieve a reasonable balance.

More interesting would be to find a topic where it was more of a dilemma, and that's where I feel comfortable not being an extreme centrist, knowing that sometimes there's no balance possible and you just need to pick a way forward, and that can be discussed.
Phil Brown

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #97 on: May 28, 2017, 06:28:19 pm »

Hey, Phil, funny but I agree with most of what you said above, but we hijacked this thread enough, so let's continue in other threads, if needed.

Rob C

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Re: Minimalism
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2017, 01:46:33 pm »


Just take some Pepto-Bismol.

Could just be; politics sometimes makes one feel that way...

Unfortunatey, the solution can't be taken orally, and trying to apply it via the suppositiory method may invoke the strong arm of the law.

Democracy, you see...

Rob C
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