I don't wish to start anything negative, but it's been about 4 months since issue 14 came out. Is issue 15 going to be released in the forseeable future? What can we expect in the upcoming issue, other than talk about Lightroom(which will be a seperate disc)? I've gone back over the past issues, and alot of it is quite dated, although many of the trips are still quite good.
Michael, I am courious as to at what point did you start to favor matte as opposed to glossy prints. I remember in issue 13 or 14, when you were discussing prints with a couple of your workshop participants, you talked about a prefering matte prints, but while watching issues 2 & 4 the other evening, you had glossy prints in hand.
As a thought, or suggestion, would you consider doing an updated segment on the changes in the B&W digital process(like Jeff Schewes' explaination of how he processes B&W). Or how the latest generation of printers/softwear(ABW, ImagePrint, Phatte Black, etc.), and newer papers have brought digital B&W to the ease which it is today compared to just 5 years ago.
As I said, just curious.