I'll double photographist's ½ cents worth. The only changes that might be desirable are cosmetic ones, keeping it simple and clean. A change of bg/fg colors for the articles to improve legibility for those of us with aging eyes is the only "improvement" I would like to see. Perhaps black text on a light gray background, and slightly larger font, and "hinted", as someone already suggested.
I agree with the contrast idea, but for the font adjustment, your browser should provide usability options for changing font size; there is nothing inherently wrong about the font sizes chosen for content, unless you have a screen with extreme density.
I know that IE sucks in this regard, but hopefully Microsoft will get their act together.
For Firefox, there are simple keyboard shortcuts for resizing the text, as well as a mouse scroll wheel shortcut (ctrl+wheel).
For Opera, there are simple keyboard shortcuts for resizing the entire page (including images), as well as a mouse scroll wheel shortcut (ctrl+wheel).
But the font sizes used in the menus could have been better (relative instead of fixed at "11px", whatever that's supposed to mean), and the same goes for the choice of a bold font-weight, which means legibility is lower than necesary.
Plus points to the current site for providing alternate fonts.
I'd also look at selecting a different font in general; Arial is not the epitome of legibility, but it's available on almost any computer.
But this is really the job of whomever manages to cough up a decent style sheet scheme; I'm looking forward to seeing the new design when it gets there.
I'm 100% with you on the virtues of a CMS though. But the thought of putting the content here into one makes me blench!
It also adds yet another thing you have to keep track of security updates for.
As for the virtues of a CMS; it really requires that you know what you're doing, if you want to use a CMS with success, but that makes it no different from other techniques in itself. The added requirement of some extra technical savvy for installation/configuration is also a consideration. But compared to using e.g. FrontPage or Publisher, well, I guess it's a dream come true for many people.