I have been using Lightroom for a long time but out of interest I am on a 30 day trial for C1. Initially puzzled by colour management and process recipes I got some useful information from this
So I have set View>Proof Profile to Process Recipe and I am using selected Process Recipes as my working space.
If I view a standard flat colour image where I would expect most colours to be within srgb/argb and swap between recipes with Prophoto/Camera Embedded Profile/srgb etc I see very little change in colour and tones as I would expect.
However as soon as I change same photo to black and white there is significant changes in black level and overall brightness when swapping between say Prophoto and srgb which I don't see in the colour version.
Is this what I should expect, I have never noticed such big change when outputing from Lightroom before?
All this is as viewed on screen within C1. I am not printing or viewing in any other app.