As covered in another thread, I have maintained that editing in too dark a room will result in a tendency to tone down the image brightness, resulting in prints that are too dark and here is the proof. My digital darkroom lighting causes the viewing area on the right site of my monitor to be around 28-30 lux; on the left side it is around 5-7 lux. With the lighting off, it's 0 lux everywhere. I edited the same image with the lights on and off, using Curves to vary the midpoint, trying to make the image look as I remember it. The results in % brightness:
lights on lights off
average: 54% average: 49%
wall: 97% wall: 89%
sky: 82% sky 58%
tailgate: 72% tailgate: 47%
shadow: 12% shadow: 6%
The averages were obtained by selecting the whole image and using filter/blur/average.
This suggests that the room brightness at lower levels (below 32 lux) does indeed have a big impact on brightness perception and editing results.