VERY interesting, because just over the past two days I have been experiencing major disconnects between reference and measured patch values on my newly created profile round-tripping. I didn't think of broken system CM softwre as the cause, but rather perhaps some profiling glitch, however I wasn't convinced of that either because I was using the same saved workflows in i1Profiler I used in the past, and re-measurement today of test charts printed back in March returned correct values, so the i1Pro2 works OK.
Now, I printed my profiling targets with the ACPU, so I'm wondering whether this CM problem also applies to ACPU output, in which case the printed profiling charts are garbage, or only to the printed round-trip test patches I made from the new profiles. This is quite a mess and suggests I should stop wasting ink and paper until the matter gets resolved.
For those of us on the CC subscription plan, is there a way to roll-back to the previous version? Or would that not matter if it is an Apple problem. If it's an Apple problem why does it show up just now, as the El Capitan upgrade has been with us for a while now. I wonder how all this works for Windows users.