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Author Topic: VisibleDust - Brush  (Read 2095 times)


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VisibleDust - Brush
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:16:29 am »

The brush on my Arctic Butterfly 724 keeps flying off the pin or whatever it's called, when turned on.  I checked this out on google and other people have this complaint.  A new brush is fairly expensive - although I don't mind paying for a new one BUT does anyone know if this design fault has been rectified??

Any comments/help is appreciated.



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Re: VisibleDust - Brush
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2016, 04:28:34 pm »


I have been experiencing the same issue on the unit I purchased about five years ago.

While I have no information on any improvement or redesign which could have taken place recently, I found that one can mitigate the problem by using partially depleted batteries to reduce the strength of the motor driving the brush. I suspect that the use of 1.2V rechargeable batteries might help too, since it would reduce the voltage.

Also, when using the motor, one should make sure that the brush is held vertically, with the brush on top, to reduce the likelihood of the brush flying off the pin.


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