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Author Topic: Your impressions of the Canon 100 Macro IS  (Read 1184 times)


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Your impressions of the Canon 100 Macro IS
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:23:38 am »

I'm considering purchasing a macro lens. I have the older (but still very sharp and reliable) 100mm USM, but thought of updating it with a macro. Frequently on shoots, I'm doing a full-length shot, then come in tight for beauty, then the client asks me to shoot a tight detail of, say, the earring. At that point, I have to stop, change lenses to my 24-70/4, shoot some frames, then go back to full-length -- for which I generally will switch back to the 100. (I rarely shoot fashion with less than an 85, though have, on the right girl, shot with a 50 upon occasion.)

My other ulterior motive for the macro is to copy some older film I'd like to preserve. I've always found scanning film to be laborious, and massively time-consuming, with each image taking 5-10 minutes to setup in SilverFast, only to have to refine more in Photoshop. On average, 20 to 30-minutes per image -- the whole reason I love digital. With my 5Ds 50MP sensor, it suddenly opens up a whole new avenue of speed, resolution and quality. (There are some good posts elsewhere on the forum discussing this.)

I'm looking for some real-world experience with this lens, preferably not the bug-and-flowers kind of shooting, for comments. I had also considered the Sigma 105 macro OS, though not as keenly since I have exposure issues with my Sigma 50 Art. Interestingly, DxoMark (for what it's worth) rates the old Canon 100mm more highly than the 100 macro IS. Thanks for the thoughts.

Ken Doo

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Re: Your impressions of the Canon 100 Macro IS
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 11:13:00 am »

I don't have a lot of experience with the new Canon 100mm L Macro IS, but it is a definitely improvement over the older 100mm Macro that I had for awhile.  I borrowed the new 100mm L IS from CPS, tried it at a wedding with the new Canon 5DS.  In short, decided not to buy the new Canon 5DS (really nice but still plasticky feel to me) and unexpectedly ended up buying the new Canon 100mm Macro L IS instead.  The IS is where it's at!  Wow---never expected to be able to shoot hand-held macro shots like this lens allows.  Prices are down compared to when this lens was first released----I think it is a worthwhile investment.


Ken Bennett

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Re: Your impressions of the Canon 100 Macro IS
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2016, 02:19:01 pm »

I don't shoot a lot of macro, but had a studio macro shot assigned, so I borrowed the 100mm IS Lens from our video crew. I have to say I really enjoyed it. It focuses very close, the IS works a champ, and the final files on my 5Ds looked great. Now I want one.... :)
Equipment: a camera and some lenses.


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Re: Your impressions of the Canon 100 Macro IS
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 03:57:09 pm »

Thanks for the replies. I borrowed the 100macro IS from Canon CPS as well. I generally liked it, though I couldn't qualitatively say it was better than the older 100/f2. Guess I'll borrow it again. Maybe I'll rent the Sigma 105 macro to compare.
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