My image was a bit about dynamic range, as i wanted to keep both highlights and shadow details. Normally, I have very little problems with the P45+, but I really find that that shadows are much cleaner on modern CMOS than on CCD backs.
In my examples, exposure was made for the highlights (windows).
Another point is that Capture One applies a lot of noise reduction at default. Move the noise reduction slider to zero, and you will se a lot of noise.
In this case it was not a big deal, as I have shot quite a lot of alternative exposures and could resort to HDR for a good image, but with the Sony I could do with a single exposure. That advantage comes from a cleaner read out from the sensor.
I was shooting for two years with the P45+ and the Sony A99 in parallel. What I have seen was that the P45+ had an advantage in resolution but a deficit regarding details in the darks. Also, aliasing was also a problem with the P45+. Although I had the same amount of exposures with the P45+ and the A99, none of the P45+ shots made it to the wall. I would guess that really depends on content being more important than resolution. Shooting with zoom lenses much more flexibility than with primes.
Another factor in my case was that with the P45+ I was always striving for the "perfect image". With the A99 I have shot a lot of images that I did not feel were "worthy of the P45+". It was quite interesting for me, essentially, none of my P45+ images made it to the wall, but plenty of the A99 images did. They were good enough in technical quality, but less static and more interesting. Some of the greatest images I have were shot on APS-C.
Would I print large, that would benefit MF, but I normally print A2 (16" x 23") and at that the 39 MP of the P45+ bring little benefits.
Best regards
There's something that's has stuck with me about this thread. I don't understand the noisy examples that people are posting. There were a few in the above post (cropped in on a dark 4x5 camera in a shop window), and Erik Kaffehr's post with the dark piano cover showed the same thing. Is this really what people are getting from MFDBs at base ISO, with shadows pushed? These examples are far noisier than what I get on my H5D50, and what I got on my H3DII-39 (both CCDs).
Take a look at the attached:
1) The full frame, shot yesterday, straight from the H5D50, base ISO, tripod.
2) 100% crop on the rear tire. The top of the tire, just behind the orange reflectors, is black with faint detail.
3) Same crop, with the Shadow Fill slider dragged all the way to the right (to 100). Shadows still nice and clean.