Yep, the bokeh of the Otus 85mm f1.4 sucks...
Hi Bernard,
While I agree with your (tongue in cheek) response, I wouldn't call the
bokeh of the OTUS as setting a standard either.
All your fine examples look nice, but they show a bokeh that I'd describe as a tiny bit busy, rather than creamy, which seems to be the goal for pleasing bokeh. This example clearly hints at what is causing it.

Looking at the left-hand side of the image, some verticals look much more in focus than their surroundings. On the right-hand side there is a hint of double contours, but barely noticeable. To get rid of that, one needs to design an optics that is under-corrected for specific aberration, which the Otus obviously isn't. The design goal for the OTUS is almost uncompromised correction, even wide open, not smooth bokeh (although it's not that bad either, it's symmetrical and uniform disk like in shape and intensity).
The difficulty with a smooth bokeh design is that it only exists on one side of the focus plane, and produces unnatural looking donut shaped defocused highlights and double contours at the other side.
Given that, I'm not too unpleased with the OTUS' bokeh, but it is (by design) also not the best there is, if smooth and creamy is the goal.