People don't realize that hospital bills are merely a starting point for negotiation.
Since the insurance companies demand discounts the prices start out absurdly high, to allow for discounts. Even the discounted rate paid by insurers is high, since those monies have to cover people who cannot afford the full fare.
Health care in the USA is essentially on a sliding scale, unfortunately in order for the scale to slide you have to a) know that it's a sliding scale and b) be prepared to negotiate, quite hard.
The whole system is essentially a gigantic make-work project at this point, with endless reams of staff pointlessly printing out data from one system and keying it into another, with bills and paperwork being filed, refiled, copied, sent, delivered, copied again, refiled, and so on. The biggest single problem with chucking it all out and doing something sensible is the massive economic hit caused by putting all these clerks on the street.