I'm in this same predicament. Just bought a new iMac, since the old white (2006) one could not be upgraded past Lion. Of course my Aperture 3.4.5 (originally 3.x CD purchase) won't run on the new Yosemite machine so I am going to try for a Redemption code for 3.6, because I'd rather keep using Aperture. I understand that Aperture has no future, but what it does now is fine for me and probably will be for a few years. It has reached the point of sufficiency for me. I think it's a good combination of image management and processing.
The last time I noted Aperture's price on the Apple store, it was $79 or something, but I originally paid much more than that. I can't help but wonder if pros (or non-pros like me) weren't so obsessed with rock bottom consumer pricing (though I never was, I'm willing to pay more for something better) for advanced products like Aperture, it might have been worthwhile for Apple to continue its development. Money talks, but if we aren't willing to pay, then why should we expect long-term support? You want cheap or free, you get iPhoto or Photos, not hard to understand. For some reason, everyone expects software to be cheap. Odd because not that many years ago Photoshop sold for $600+, and people bought it then.