The rest is just debating, and I don't choose to engage.
Actually, I wouldn't call what's transpired "debating" I would call it FUD.
Look, DNG was an accident perpetrated by Thomas Knoll. Adobe had no specific desire to produce DNG, DNG was a total development by Thomas to teach the industry how to write raw files. Prior to the release on DNG SDK 1, the camera companies were flailing about and causing some serious problems. Consider the original 1Ds file. It was a .tif file. Which when double-clicked would launch into Photoshop (at the time). The file would open with a tiny EXIF file opening. If the user clicked Save, the original raw file would be over-written by the tiny file-effectively trashing the original raw file.
Does this sound like the camera companies have half a clue?
Beside Dave Coffin (author of D-craw) there are very few people on this planet that knows more about raw file formats besides Thomas Knoll. TK wrote DNG initially to teach the camera companies how to write out a raw file and store the required sensor data. From DNG has come CR2 and reformulated NEF files.
Ironically, both file formats adhere to TIFF-EP (Tiff for electronic photography). Thomas thinks that a simple firmware upgrade could allow current Canon and Nikon camera to save out DNG files. They refuse to so so. Why? I agree with Michael...hubris and arrogance.
Look, the only "secret" in a proprietary raw file is, there's no secrets. Between the various engineers dealing with raw file formats, everything can be decoded...there are no secrets.
I happen to know that certain people can create a synthetic raw file format fille and process the file to be a valid CR2 or NEF that can be opened in the camera company's software. In effect a round trip from raw to DNG and back to raw.
All the bullshyte about DNG being owned by Adobe, that none of the camera companies want to be beholding to Adobe and that DNG contains proprietary data is an attempt to sidetrack the real question of why DNG isn't already a standard or why none of the camera companies have failed to offer any alternatives. Why?
The camera companies think they have some sort of leverage so they refuse to adhere to any standards. Why? cause they can, photographers seem willing to let them off the hook.
DNG costs too much money?'s the smaller camera venders that can afford it like Leica. Nikon and Canon could afford it out of the less than the cost of tea drunk by the CEO's of either company–which means it's a meaningless cost. Any argument that cost is a barrier is specious at best...none of these companies could care less about the cost of writing out DNG files. Easie Peasie...seriously any argument against is FUD.
So, is it too hard? Bullshyte...does DNG not pass the technical stink test? Thomas has already rewritten DNG to address early DNG SDK limitations. All ya gotta do is talk to Thomas and all will be fixed.
Proprietary raw file formats help zero photographers except those people who seem to hate Adobe. An open and publicly documented raw file format would help the photographic industry. So, why hasn't this happened?
Ask yourself this question...who in this thread is advocating photographer's rights and who is advocating camera company right's? Then, ask yourself why...
I stand with Michael (and Andrew) and any others that are fighting against proprietary raw file formats. Anybody on the side of proprietary raw file formats are the enemy of the photographic industry. Simple as that...