Thank you all for the great input here on this forum. I have placed the order for the D810 and have started out with a 50mm f1.2 and an adapter for my Hasselblad lenses.
I have sold my Hasselblad film camera and almost all my Pentax stuff (just a few items left on eBay). It is a time of change.
Anyway, I am going to continue to muse over the options and advice in this thread. For me I am very interested in quality, but also the "character" of the lens and this sensor. It is at that intersection I find things most interesting.
Here is a
recent one from the SD1 which represents some of pictures in nature that excite me.
Any further thoughts and suggestions are most welcome I still have most the budget to go, but right now am leaning in the direction of:
105 Nikon Macro G
70-200mm zoom G f.4 (smaller one)
Perhaps a 35mm Nikkor or Sigma (not sure what to do here)
Maybe the 24mm Sigma?
Zeiss is still very inticing.
But I need to learn the camera each lens well.
Thanks again.