+1 BC, +5 rather, I see this as Phase almost getting up to speed. 2 years ago I would've been thrilled. Being said, I bought it the moment I got the e-blast. Flying around the world with a DF has been like carrying around a corpse. Not unlike Weekend at Bernie's, where, sure the corpse can dance for you if you play the music, but ultimately it's still dead.
The XF is a welcome update, and I'm glad to spend the money provided it works. I should have mine on set by late June/early July when I'm back in the states. (THANK YOU DOUG SPERLING of PROGEAR). I can maybe help run it through the paces. Though don't expect the charts and other quantifications. I'm strictly looking at he question - does this make my job easier than before.
Also, BC, you have great work.