Michael maybe except the difference is with those other cameras u can make a photo (and btw Leica is kind of a strange comparison) and 8k for the phase body just gets you the sound of making a photo.
There is no discussing that the prices are high. Now it probably indeed won't be a problem for those already owning a Phaseone back, nor for those considering spending 50,000 US$ for the working cameras including a back and a second lens.
At least now you get what appears to be a very nice body for that price and the prices aren't that much higher than those of the old cameras.

I love the approach they have chosen to set the auto mode and the limits on speed/aperture/ISO. Nikon had the best Auto ISO feature till date, this is even better. Overall it seems like a very well thought out system, congrats to Phase one!
The thing that would personally bother me more is the weight. My arm already feels pretty tired after carrying a D810 and Otus 85mm f1.4 and that combo is less than 2 kgs. The camera+back+most lenses will be close to 3kg. That makes it hard to shoot handheld for most photographers.
I cannot afford it now and would prefer a larger CMOS chip in the 90MP range anyway. Hopefully the IQ490 (just guessing) 2 years down the road will be the perfect camera and I'll have saved the cash by then.

Kevin and Doug have already made it pretty clear they don't see a larger CMOS next year.