How much longer do you expect Phase One to keep the DF+ around?
Just as long as they can keep on buying them in at $2,000 and reselling them, refurbished, together with old stock ( read: P+ backs) to any remaining suckers who haven't yet been caught in the spiders web. Great way to unload old stock. Give the punter a bargain straight up and hit him with the sting on the rebound. When they've finished unloading the old stock, that'll be the time they'll give you and 'end-of-life' notice on the whole shebang.
If you want to know what the sting is , kindly refer to the recent posts of bcooter esq., who has elucidated it better than I ever could.
BTW, my original comment was tinged with a soupçon of ironic British humour.
Should have added one of those 'rolling-eye' yellow faces ...