I don't seem to be getting my ideas across very well do I
I appreciate that stolen images from web sites are rife - big problem for anyone in the web business but that's what I can avoid. Anyone can steal a jpg but people cannot steal a Raw file because it's a 30MB file - not a 400k jpg.
How much would someone charge to sell a photograph that they took outright?
If you were offered $50 a photo would you be interested? $100? $250? - how much?
Let's be honest, there are a million and 1 pictures out there and many of them would make great framed pictures - they can't all be worth thousands of dollars.
I have a commercial photographer friend who takes photos for women's fashion - he get's paid $20 a photo and the photos are given to the client. What's so different about non-commercial photographers getting paid the same?
What am I missing here?
Ok, I just spent a few minutes searching Google for discussions about rights management etc and I am now beginning to get the picture (no pun intended lol)
The "professional" photographers see their images as being their long term bread and butter and so are reluctant to ever sell the rights to them - even if they are 'so-so' images. I have reviewed quite a few 'professionals' web sites and their galleries and I haven't been so impressed so far - maybe 2 or 3 exceptional photos and a whole lot of ho-hum stuff that didn't impress. If anyone can suggest a truly professional photographers gallery then I'd be most appreciative.
Which leads me to ask 'what makes a professional' - it should be 3 years at Art college and 5 years apprenticeship - but of course these days it would appear that almost anyone can invest $10k in a camera and computer and suddenly they become a professional. So it's to this group of people that I was hoping to be able to purchase images for reproduction/sale rather than the true Professionals who have invested their life into it.
The customer demographic that I have I have to work with might invest $300 in a picture - they are not in the market for a $1500 picture and I see an opportunity for these semi-pros to be able to sell their better images at a fair price.
And the more that I read what I just wrote it sounds way too demeaning than I meant it to sound so I had better shut up at this point.