What difference does the vaccine make, you might ask.
Back in 2020 I had covid-like symptoms but couldn't get tested - wasn't sure. From 2022 experience, turns out it was.
In 2022 (after being vaccinated twice), I was exposed to it by spending many hours working closely with someone and presented symptoms shortly thereafter.
In 2020, it took ~2 weeks for the very mild symptoms to progress.
In 2022, it took ~2 days for the symptoms to be resolved (4 months after vaccine #2.)
But that's just the visible symptoms from breathing. There are other internal organs that have suffered but that only got picked up because I do a regular thing with my doctor (full blood, urine, etc) at the start of 2021. Hopefully they can get back to normal in time.
Didn't being infected in 2020 protect me in 2022? No. Body defenses created as a result of infection lasts 6-12 months max.
SARS-CoV-2 is nasty. If you've had it, ask your doctor for a full checkup (bloodwork, urine, etc) to see if everything is "normal'.
Surviving COVID-19 without being vaccinated doesn't mean you're "OK".