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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2018, 03:46:52 am »

Which is great until markets are manipulated, at which point dead rotting sharks and Peter Lik will dominate every section of Lula ;)

Still better than a free market leaving it to the (m)asses: i give you cats and other pets, flowers, and - god forbid - selfies...
~ O ~
If you can stomach it: pictures

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2018, 04:54:21 am »

Hi Hans, Another technically superb photograph, but why do you think it fits the street genre rather than the landscape genre? It's perfectly static. You could wait for the same light twenty years from now and shoot the same picture, just as you could do with St. Ansel's Half Dome, which most people associate with landscape rather than with street. One of the essences of street photography is catching the world in motion. This facade doesn't move. Looks like landscape to me.

The light would be different. Not even required to wait 20 years, perhaps a few seconds, the light would be different.

Paulo Bizarro

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2018, 04:55:33 am »


I love your museum photo and the homage to Slobodan.

As for categories, I think some people just want something to argue about, and since politics is now verboten, they prefer to argue about "Street" versus "Landscape," etc.

If I were running things here, I would be tempted to limit the categories to two: "Photos that do something for me," and "Photos that don't do anything for me."    ;)

Fully agree.

Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2018, 05:47:51 am »

Sad to be disappointed: I thought Nîmes was going to be about denims, and so I had a quick look only to discover a French Chicago confection.

Seriously, though, it does raise my morning to see those who denigrate an orderly, natural and facilitatory cataloguing of genres do exactly the same thing; guess that as long as they do the cataloguing...

Oh well, as one can't be undemocratic, here's my idea on the listings:

1. Landscape. This would cover stuff shot from old tripod holes, and would certainly include deserts.

2. Mountains. This would include general hilly topography, including representations of huge psychological barriers one faced and overcame.

3. Rivers - Live.

4. Rivers - Dead.

(If dry, then these could, alternatively, be posted within a Financials folder; if flowing, then an easy home to be found within a Religion folder to be created later on.)

5. Architectural Atmospherics. This would embrace creative, non-literal images of the structure of the city (or small town) with emphasis on the physical structures as art, the definition of that art being at moderator discretion.

6. Street Art. This refers to photographs with emphasis on the little, minor jewels of city life, resident in the colours, juxtapositions and native appeal of objects that may or may not have an intrinsic appeal on their own, but, seen in conjunction with their surroundings, do have a charm - that certain je ne sais quoi. These images differ from those in Category 5 because they tend to focus on the micro rather than the macro dimensions of city.

7. Candid. This, reverting to an earlier definition, means photographs of people who must never be posed by the photographer in any way, including the seeking of permission to photograph. These pictures can be on an actual street or within a bar, shop or any other place that is not a domestic home, in which latter case they fall into another catatgory: Happy Snap. Candid photography must invoke a sense of excitement, surrealism, ambiguity, pathos or even of humour. It must never make the viewer ask WhyTF did anybody bother to shoot that? The jury is still out on whether dogs are allowed in the enclosure.

8. Documentary. These images cannot be posted in isolation, because they require a themed story in order to make sense. Once the theme becomes of world renown, then they can be posted on their own, their existing fame providing the required backstory that lends them place and relevance; not everyone is born to document Pittsburgh.

9. Street. This can include roadworks, damaged surfaces, complaints to local authorities etc. with potholes and damaged alloys a special subdivision closely related to Financials/Legal.

10. Monochrome. This will include any photograph, within or without a recognized genre, just as long as it is tinted in a single tone. It can also include straight black/white photographs.

11. Black and White. This is for images that resemble a previous, now-scorned purity of vision, and will originate from real, wet process black and white photographs (non-tinted) or digitally processed black and white photographs not tinted in any way. Of course, intermediate tones of grey are accepted and expected.

12. Pets. This should be divided into two viewing sections: Children; Adults Only.

13. Travel. If it would look good in a brochure selling holidays, then it's travel. This comes in two flavours: if it follows the guidelines of Sections 5 and 7, then it is travel atmospherics; if it is factual and not interpretative, then it comes into the category of Record and Document.

14. Bird. This will generally refer to images where the attention is on feathers. It must not be confused with the second part of Section 12, which is another fetish altogether.

15. Showcase. I would seriously discourage this from being included. Experience. I had one for the early part of my career, and I drove up to the studio one morning to find the glass in shards at my feet. Which was bad enough, but to find that some large fashion pictures had been stolen was something else: I didn't know whether to feel outraged or flattered. Guess another wannabe Bailey, just like I'd been, was roaming the night! Poor bugger; I hope he found what he was looking for, other than just somebody else's snaps.

16. Abstracts. This section is beyond classification. It is reserved for the confused of mind, so, clearly, anything goes.

17. Wabi-sabi. Not to be confused with the proscribed Political threads of yesteryear, the implications are all too clearly there. Let's make the world great again! Coca-Cola might adopt that as its next theme song.

18. Seascape.  I left this one to the end because the sea makes some sick. Personally, I love the sea, most of all being upon it on somebody else's big yacht. Ferries: they are a sign of freedom, even if horribly utilitarian. Cruise Boats: lonely hearts safaris for older female huntresses to find desperate, older rich men as prey.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 06:23:45 am by Rob C »

Martin Kristiansen

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2018, 06:27:18 am »

Rob you beauty.
Commercial photography is 10% inspiration and 90% moving furniture around.


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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2018, 08:11:05 am »

Sad to be disappointed: I thought Nîmes was going to be about denims, and so I had a quick look only to discover a French Chicago confection.

Seriously, though, it does raise my morning to see those who denigrate an orderly, natural and facilitatory cataloguing of genres do exactly the same thing; guess that as long as they do the cataloguing...

Oh well, as one can't be undemocratic, here's my idea on the listings:

1. Landscape. This would cover stuff shot from old tripod holes, and would certainly include deserts.

2. Mountains. This would include general hilly topography, including representations of huge psychological barriers one faced and overcame.

3. Rivers - Live.

4. Rivers - Dead.

(If dry, then these could, alternatively, be posted within a Financials folder; if flowing, then an easy home to be found within a Religion folder to be created later on.)

5. Architectural Atmospherics. This would embrace creative, non-literal images of the structure of the city (or small town) with emphasis on the physical structures as art, the definition of that art being at moderator discretion.

6. Street Art. This refers to photographs with emphasis on the little, minor jewels of city life, resident in the colours, juxtapositions and native appeal of objects that may or may not have an intrinsic appeal on their own, but, seen in conjunction with their surroundings, do have a charm - that certain je ne sais quoi. These images differ from those in Category 5 because they tend to focus on the micro rather than the macro dimensions of city.

7. Candid. This, reverting to an earlier definition, means photographs of people who must never be posed by the photographer in any way, including the seeking of permission to photograph. These pictures can be on an actual street or within a bar, shop or any other place that is not a domestic home, in which latter case they fall into another catatgory: Happy Snap. Candid photography must invoke a sense of excitement, surrealism, ambiguity, pathos or even of humour. It must never make the viewer ask WhyTF did anybody bother to shoot that? The jury is still out on whether dogs are allowed in the enclosure.

8. Documentary. These images cannot be posted in isolation, because they require a themed story in order to make sense. Once the theme becomes of world renown, then they can be posted on their own, their existing fame providing the required backstory that lends them place and relevance; not everyone is born to document Pittsburgh.

9. Street. This can include roadworks, damaged surfaces, complaints to local authorities etc. with potholes and damaged alloys a special subdivision closely related to Financials/Legal.

10. Monochrome. This will include any photograph, within or without a recognized genre, just as long as it is tinted in a single tone. It can also include straight black/white photographs.

11. Black and White. This is for images that resemble a previous, now-scorned purity of vision, and will originate from real, wet process black and white photographs (non-tinted) or digitally processed black and white photographs not tinted in any way. Of course, intermediate tones of grey are accepted and expected.

12. Pets. This should be divided into two viewing sections: Children; Adults Only.

13. Travel. If it would look good in a brochure selling holidays, then it's travel. This comes in two flavours: if it follows the guidelines of Sections 5 and 7, then it is travel atmospherics; if it is factual and not interpretative, then it comes into the category of Record and Document.

14. Bird. This will generally refer to images where the attention is on feathers. It must not be confused with the second part of Section 12, which is another fetish altogether.

15. Showcase. I would seriously discourage this from being included. Experience. I had one for the early part of my career, and I drove up to the studio one morning to find the glass in shards at my feet. Which was bad enough, but to find that some large fashion pictures had been stolen was something else: I didn't know whether to feel outraged or flattered. Guess another wannabe Bailey, just like I'd been, was roaming the night! Poor bugger; I hope he found what he was looking for, other than just somebody else's snaps.

16. Abstracts. This section is beyond classification. It is reserved for the confused of mind, so, clearly, anything goes.

17. Wabi-sabi. Not to be confused with the proscribed Political threads of yesteryear, the implications are all too clearly there. Let's make the world great again! Coca-Cola might adopt that as its next theme song.

18. Seascape.  I left this one to the end because the sea makes some sick. Personally, I love the sea, most of all being upon it on somebody else's big yacht. Ferries: they are a sign of freedom, even if horribly utilitarian. Cruise Boats: lonely hearts safaris for older female huntresses to find desperate, older rich men as prey.

Well, there's an hour you'll never get back.



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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2018, 08:15:32 am »

Brilliant, Rob. I think LuLa should do that. Just THINK about all the arguments we could have.
Russ Lewis


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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2018, 08:17:01 am »

Brilliant, Rob. I think LuLa should do that. Just THINK about all the arguments we could have.

Beats making images.

Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2018, 08:31:50 am »

Beats making images.

Sure does, especially when there's no pressing reason or need to make them, process them and then put them somewhere. Thank goodness HP came to the rescue and stopped supporting my printer and saved me both money and more cardboard boxes to fill! Took me a while to see it that way. When that particular penny dropped, I almost sent them a thank-you letter. That said, at least they gave me breathing space to prove to myself that you don't have to keep doing it to avoid losing it.

If it depends on something in your head and not the pressure of blood in your dick, then no worries! Nobody can steal it!


Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2018, 08:32:53 am »

Well, there's an hour you'll never get back.


Keith, it wasn't doing anything better.


John R

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2018, 09:01:46 am »

Sometimes I think some of the people on LuLa are like hawks circling the skies looking for little rabbits to pounce on. I was just suggesting that we accommodate architecture with it's own showcase, like Landscape and Street. At least 20% or more of images posted are about architecture. Although I suggested more basic categories, anticipating there may be such a need, my intent was simply to accommodate Hans and that category of images, which is substantial. The way LuLa is going there won't be many more people posting with so much nastiness. Sorry I suggested anything. Back to posting images.



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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2018, 09:01:49 am »

Hahaaaaa. Rob, you made my day. !!!

And I bow deeply to show my respect: not one single accented character in the whole book of text!!!



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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2018, 09:03:04 am »

. Back to posting images.


Is not without out risks neither!


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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2018, 09:14:25 am »

Sometimes I think some of the people on LuLa are like hawks circling the skies looking for little rabbits to pounce on. I was just suggesting that we accommodate architecture with it's own showcase, like Landscape and Street. At least 20% or more of images posted are about architecture. Although I suggested more basic categories, anticipating there may be such a need, my intent was simply to accommodate Hans and that category of images, which is substantial. The way LuLa is going there won't be many more people posting with so much nastiness. Sorry I suggested anything. Back to posting images.


John, I don't see any nastiness in this thread, just folk lightening their day.  :)


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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2018, 09:37:07 am »

I agree, Keith. Everybody needs to lighten up.

As an alternative to Rob's suggestion, how about changing Street Showcase to Architectural Showcase? Everybody knows what the architecture genre is. . .  well. . .  don't we?
Russ Lewis

Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2018, 11:03:46 am »

Hahaaaaa. Rob, you made my day. !!!

And I bow deeply to show my respect: not one single accented character in the whole book of text!!!

Just wait until I find just cause!


Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2018, 11:13:39 am »

Sometimes I think some of the people on LuLa are like hawks circling the skies looking for little rabbits to pounce on. I was just suggesting that we accommodate architecture with it's own showcase, like Landscape and Street. At least 20% or more of images posted are about architecture. Although I suggested more basic categories, anticipating there may be such a need, my intent was simply to accommodate Hans and that category of images, which is substantial. The way LuLa is going there won't be many more people posting with so much nastiness. Sorry I suggested anything. Back to posting images.


John, John! Hawks belong under Birds in the soon-to-be-rationalised forum slots!

Oddly enough, fifteen minutes ago, whilst walking my hour on the terrace instead of on the street (risk of imminent storm), I happened to raise my eyes from the tiles to see either a vulture or an eagle way up there in the midst of the mists. Which, considering I need specs for distances as well as having cataracts (not as in Rivers) strikes me as a quite remarkable event in an otherwise humdrum day. So far.

Malice? You gotta be kidding! It's all about altruism and providing easier navigation for all with the added value (you can get that in some sites) of avoiding subjects that bore one.


James Clark

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2018, 11:22:12 am »

FWIW, I think an architecture sub would be both interesting and well-trafficked.  We have some talented architecture folks here, and the subjects range from almost pure abstracts to solid documentary images.  All that said, John, I agree with Rob and Keith - I don't see any malice here - just people bantering with each other - you just happened to touch off this round.

I do have a serious question though.  I already don't know if this should have been street, ON the street, architecture, or just b&w/mono where it originally ended up, but now Rob has me thinking it really belongs in his "birds" category :(

PS - I really dig the abstracts thread.

PPS - And I love the pets too, sorry.  (Not sorry)

Rob C

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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #58 on: November 30, 2018, 11:29:58 am »

James, you need to consult this cat:



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Re: Museum in Nimes, France
« Reply #59 on: November 30, 2018, 01:47:03 pm »

Malice? You gotta be kidding! It's all about altruism and providing easier navigation for all with the added value (you can get that in some sites) of avoiding subjects that bore one.

I prefer anything goes threads with no tightly defined categories, such as the following.


« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 01:56:27 pm by KLaban »
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