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Eric Myrvaagnes

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4220 on: July 14, 2017, 06:21:18 pm »

Keep it up Jeff! I appreciate your efforts and fully support you! You are not alone.
Me too.
I don't have the energy or time to look up all these items, so I depend on Jeff to find them for us.
Thank you, Jeff! And my thanks also to the others who have added spice to this "emperor has no clothes" thread.
-Eric Myrvaagnes (visit my website:


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4221 on: July 14, 2017, 06:26:08 pm »

The point of posting other links/items/etc. is that people can discuss them if they want (as in discuss those items, not whether Jeff should post them).
Phil Brown


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4222 on: July 14, 2017, 06:27:08 pm »

It's the new job of the Washington's Post, NY Times and others like them to beat down the president.

Change that "beat down" to "report on" and you got it 100% correct. What we are seeing is a major resurgence in journalism-particulary what used to be called the print media. Their subscriptions for thier web sites are exploding...

Just because it's news that makes Trump look bad doesn't make it fake...  Trump is taking a play out of Nixon's playbook and look how that worked out :-)


Robert Roaldi

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4223 on: July 14, 2017, 10:05:00 pm »

Interesting podcast here mostly about Roger Stone but also about some of Trump's other advisors. It's interesting to hear about their background and how far back the roots go. There is a connection to Roy Cohn of the McCarthy era.

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4224 on: July 14, 2017, 10:07:13 pm »

All that material just proves that the press is out to get Trump.  You think they would have stopped after the election.  It's the new job of the Washington's Post, NY Times and others like them to beat down the president.  It's a disgrace that these former great news organs  have resorted to yellow journalism to push their political viewpoints. 

I can understand MSNBC, CNN, and other cable news of those type.  They're really not honest news media but rather take a political viewpoint because that's what their viewer's "pay" for.  But for the NY Times especially who's byline is 'All the News that's Fit to Print", they should hang their heads in shame.

The press is not (and should not be) the marketing department of the government.

Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4225 on: July 14, 2017, 10:45:39 pm »

While we're all being entertained fighting about Trump Jr.'s attempt to get the "goods" on Hillary to win the election, major issues of war and peace are being ignored by the media and the public.  Mosul has fallen, Raqqa soon, and ISIS is on the run as Trump is making good his campaign promise to destroy the Islamist State. 

Are we discussing how that affects the Travel Ban, refugees fleeing to Europe and how that effects the west's stability, what plans we should have about leaving American troops in Iraq to keep the lid on, etc?  Not really.  These are the important issues.  And they're being ignored as everyone is caught up in domestic politics in the race to see who can win in 2018 and 2020. 

Robert Roaldi

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4226 on: July 14, 2017, 10:57:14 pm »

While we're all being entertained fighting about Trump Jr.'s attempt to get the "goods" on Hillary to win the election, major issues of war and peace are being ignored by the media and the public.  Mosul has fallen, Raqqa soon, and ISIS is on the run as Trump is making good his campaign promise to destroy the Islamist State. 

Are we discussing how that affects the Travel Ban, refugees fleeing to Europe and how that effects the west's stability, what plans we should have about leaving American troops in Iraq to keep the lid on, etc?  Not really.  These are the important issues.  And they're being ignored as everyone is caught up in domestic politics in the race to see who can win in 2018 and 2020.

That's nothing new is it? US politics has been like that for a while now so far as I can tell. You're in permanent campaign mode, seems like.


Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4227 on: July 14, 2017, 11:14:15 pm »

That's nothing new is it? US politics has been like that for a while now so far as I can tell. You're in permanent campaign mode, seems like.

No, this is different.  In the past, hot issues were discussed, debated, thought about, cared about.  Sure, domestic politics always is in the background.  But now it's front, center and in the background. 

Trump has passed the baton to Mattis to run the campaign to defeat ISIS.  That's OK in itself.  He seems to be doing a superb job in assisting the Iraqis getting the job done.  But what happens next?  What are our ultimate goals?  How many troops are we going to leave there, if any?  Will we support the Kurds in getting a homeland?  How will we help the Iraqis keep the peace between Sunni and Shia so hostilities don't break out again?  Are we going to move forces to get Assad?   No one is discussing these things.  We'd rather be divining Trump's tweets like tea leaves.  It's more entertaining apparently.

Peter McLennan

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4228 on: July 14, 2017, 11:18:54 pm »

Keep it up Jeff! I appreciate your efforts and fully support you! You are not alone.


Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4229 on: July 14, 2017, 11:22:34 pm »

OK.  So instead of ragging on Trump or defending him for another 200 pages, let's discuss what he should do next.  He still is President after all. 

What should Trump do in Iraq?
How should Trump get involved with Assad?
What should Trump do with a nascent Kurdish state?
Should Trump leave forces in Iraq?

Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4230 on: July 14, 2017, 11:28:07 pm »

Les, I see you just had the thread on Omar Khadr removed.  I didn't know you can have a thread removed.  Is that normal?   Why is that being allowed?  I can understand stopping a thread or deleting one or two posts that were vile or cursing.  But a whole thread.  It's as if you as a Canadian don't like to see Canada take controversy.  Is that what happened? 


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4231 on: July 14, 2017, 11:54:06 pm »

Les, I see you just had the thread on Omar Khadr removed.  I didn't know you can have a thread removed.  Is that normal?   Why is that being allowed?  I can understand stopping a thread or deleting one or two posts that were vile or cursing.  But a whole thread.  It's as if you as a Canadian don't like to see Canada take controversy.  Is that what happened?

You tell us, Alan.  You've already decided on a narrative and started preaching it, as usual without any actual facts.
Phil Brown

Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4232 on: July 15, 2017, 12:19:21 am »

So what are the facts?


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4233 on: July 15, 2017, 12:25:16 am »

In the past, hot issues were discussed, debated, thought about, cared about.

Yes, now is different thanks to Trump and his Minions™.

Rather than meet with the press and talk about issues, Trump hides in the White House gorging on Tivo'ed TV shows and Tweeting to his base. He sends out his surrogates to talk for him and then often immediately counteracts what they say. Then he continues his attack on the media and then wonders why, when reporters are told his "gaggle" on AF1 was off the record, nobody writes about what he said...

Rather than getting out and meeting real people, Trump holds campaign style rallies that cater to his base. Rather than trying to be inclusive and try to expand his base, he lashes out at anybody who doesn't agree with him–often on the afore mentioned Twitter.

He goes to Europe for the G19+1 and is the "Ugly American", boorish and completely undisciplined and unpracticed in diplomacy. Then he goes to France and talk's about Macron's wife's figure.

He tries to take credit for getting Qatar attacked by the other counties in the region because Qatar supposedly financed terrorists then seems to remember they are an important partner with a huge navel base and has to send Tillerson to try to fix the mess he (Trump) made in the middle east. BTW, Trump and Tillerson are also doing cleanup for the cluster*ck Jared Kushner produced while trying to deal with Israel and the Palestinians.

So, how did cozying up to China's President Xi Jinping work out...North Korea launched a successful long range ballistic missile, but don't worry, Trump told off that "guy" off...

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account
North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea.....
7:19 PM - 3 Jul 2017

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account
....and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!
7:24 PM - 3 Jul 2017

That's the President of the United States doing Twitter Diplomacy™...this is how hot issues are now discussed, debated, thought about, cared about–thanks to Donald J Trump.

So, no, we've never been in this situation before in our lifetimes...and no, none of this is "normal" or acceptable...


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4234 on: July 15, 2017, 12:38:36 am »

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing...more from the #FAKENEWS/MainStreetMedia

Oh, wait, this is from Breitbart (who doesn't seem to like Jared)

REPORT: Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose 100+ Foreign Contacts Because Staff Accidentally Hit ‘Send’ Too Early

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner reportedly omitted from his initial security clearance form at least 100 contacts that he made with foreign government officials.

According to a Friday Yahoo News report, Kushner’s lawyers have claimed that Kushner’s initial filing of his SF-86 form did not mention any meetings with foreign officials whatsoever because an unnamed “member of his staff had prematurely hit the ‘send’ button for the [form] before it was completed.”

Kushner initially submitted his SF-86 form on January 18, but, as the New York Times noted in a Wednesday report, he “supplemented the list of foreign contacts” and added “more than 100 names” since then.

Kushner reportedly notified the FBI within 12 hours that he would add amendments, but it took him another four months to amend the document, which he reportedly submitted on May 11.

Yahoo’s report immediately raised questions about 1) whether Kushner was required to print out the initial security clearance form and sign it himself or sign the form electronically and 2) why it took him nearly four months to amend the SF-86 form after an unnamed staffer supposedly accidentally hit the “send” button.

The first big meeting Kushner omitted was a meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya during the general election campaign. He attended that meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort, as Trump Jr.’s emails with publicist Rob Goldstone indicated.

The second big meeting that Kushner reportedly did not disclose was his meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. In that meeting, which former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn attended, Kushner reportedly tried to establish “backchannel” communications with Russia. Flynn was reportedly not forthcoming about this meeting with Vice President Mike Pence, which led Trump to fire Flynn and eventually replace him with H.R. McMaster.

The third big meeting Kushner reportedly omitted was his December 2016 meeting with Russian banker Sergey Gorkov. It is still unclear whether Kushner met with the Vnesheconombank chief as a representative of Trump’s transition team or as a representative of the Kushner family business.

Oh, yeah, did we almost forget he wanted to set up secret communications to Russia using Russian communications gear and met with a banned Russian banker?

And this guy still has a top secret security clearance?

Hum, I wonder who wins/looses when son vs son in law gets their asses in a jam?

Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4235 on: July 15, 2017, 12:42:25 am »

Yes, now is different thanks to Trump and his Minions™.

Rather than meet with the press and talk about issues, Trump hides in the White House gorging on Tivo'ed TV shows and Tweeting to his base. He sends out his surrogates to talk for him and then often immediately counteracts what they say. Then he continues his attack on the media and then wonders why, when reporters are told his "gaggle" on AF1 was off the record, nobody writes about what he said...

Rather than getting out and meeting real people, Trump holds campaign style rallies that cater to his base. Rather than trying to be inclusive and try to expand his base, he lashes out at anybody who doesn't agree with him–often on the afore mentioned Twitter.

He goes to Europe for the G19+1 and is the "Ugly American", boorish and completely undisciplined and unpracticed in diplomacy. Then he goes to France and talk's about Macron's wife's figure.

He tries to take credit for getting Qatar attacked by the other counties in the region because Qatar supposedly financed terrorists then seems to remember they are an important partner with a huge navel base and has to send Tillerson to try to fix the mess he (Trump) made in the middle east. BTW, Trump and Tillerson are also doing cleanup for the cluster*ck Jared Kushner produced while trying to deal with Israel and the Palestinians.

So, how did cozying up to China's President Xi Jinping work out...North Korea launched a successful long range ballistic missile, but don't worry, Trump told off that "guy" off...

That's the President of the United States doing Twitter Diplomacy™...this is how hot issues are now discussed, debated, thought about, cared about–thanks to Donald J Trump.

So, no, we've never been in this situation before in our lifetimes...and no, none of this is "normal" or acceptable...
No, the media looks for "gotcha" stuff like his comment about Macron's wife because it's more interesting to their viewers.  Plus it fits into their agenda of "getting" Trump.  Competition is driving some of that; politics is driving the rest. 

But, the fact is that rather than talk about his comments about Macron's wife, they could have focused on his position on important issues.  Those things were discussed. He does talk about those things.  But frankly, no one wants to hear that.  So the press tends to ask inconsequential questions.   It's probably as much our fault as the press.  They're giving us what we want to hear, read,  and view otherwise we'll shut off cable TV and posts to this thread would end.   

Alan Klein

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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4236 on: July 15, 2017, 12:46:06 am »

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing...more from the #FAKENEWS/MainStreetMedia

Oh, wait, this is from Breitbart (who doesn't seem to like Jared)

REPORT: Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose 100+ Foreign Contacts Because Staff Accidentally Hit ‘Send’ Too Early

Oh, yeah, did we almost forget he wanted to set up secret communications to Russia using Russian communications gear and met with a banned Russian banker?

And this guy still has a top secret security clearance?

Hum, I wonder who wins/looses when son vs son in law gets their asses in a jam?
This is what I'm talking about.  We're discussing this crap over and over because politics appears to be more interesting than national and foreign policy and war and peace. 


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4237 on: July 15, 2017, 01:13:01 am »

This kinda says it all...“The Trump Show.”

The Trump Show,’ Season 1, Week 25, reviewed

A common reaction to Donald Trump’s presidency has been a sense that reality has outstripped even the most feverish fiction. The only thing to do when the world has come to feel like the implausible output of an ambitious but not particularly talented television writer is to cover it that way. Welcome to our recaps of “The Trump Show.”

It’s become all too common for prestige dramas to blow past the hour mark simply because tolerant executives are willing to give them the leeway to do so, whether the episode requires it or not. “Sons of Anarchy” set a precedent, bloating out of control in its later seasons, while “Game of Thrones” has managed its sprawling ensemble cast and multiple locations by occasionally venturing over 60 minutes. Though “The Trump Show” has plenty of structural flaws, this week’s episode was a reminder that though this approach has pitfalls, it can also produce substantial narrative rewards.

[in deference to Joe, I'll skip to the end conclusion and let the reader decide if they want to read the whole article–which is kinda good]

For all of the distractions, “The Trump Show” sometimes seems fundamentally simple. It’s a show about mirrors, and about what the characters see when they look into them and what makes them turn away. If any of the characters were honest with themselves, they might be destroyed. Fortunately for them, they live in a funhouse. Fortunately for us, we can see the distortions that seem invisible to them, and avoid these flaws in ourselves even if we can’t save the characters and the country.

So, you might think that would be the end to this post, right? But no...we actually have another look The Trump Show from a different source, Al Jazeera from back in April...(sorry I missed this before)

The Trump Show
A look at the blurred lines between Donald Trump, reality TV star and Donald Trump, President of the United States.

From his long, unwieldy press conferences to the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice in prime time, Donald Trump delivers on spectacle.

There is conflict, there is humiliation, and there is supreme confidence - dramatic elements pulled straight out of a reality TV playbook that for Trump has been years in the making. The Apprentice, a show fronted and co-produced by Donald Trump, established him as a gospel of success, despite being plagued by bankruptcy and scandal.

Building on this image, and through similar projects, Trump has arguably become a brand unto himself, endearing himself to a segment of the American public that supported him all the way to the White House.

Now in the early days of his presidency, the showmanship continues, as 24-hour news channels race to cover his every move. Is Donald Trump in his own reality show? And what does it mean for the United States?

Josh Rushing explores Trump's reality TV rise from a C-list New York celebrity to the most powerful office in the world.

Click here for The Trump Show video

He's an authentic fake, I think he really is. He has taken the role on so much that Donald Trump is always playing Donald Trump.
Dan McAdams, psychology professor, Northwestern University

It's actually an insightful look at the way Trump is running his presidency–as though he's being an executive producer of a reality tv show...


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4238 on: July 15, 2017, 01:20:03 am »

I don't have the energy or time to look up all these items, so I depend on Jeff to find them for us.

Thanks Eric and the other Trump II thread supporters...yes, this is exactly why I bother to take the time and effort to dig down and find and read the many, many stories that are essentially attacking what we used to think our country was about. What I post is a subset of what I find–usually either the funniest or lamest or scariest things about Trump, his Minions™ and the disaster that the 45th president has been so far (with little or no hope for redemption on the horizon).


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Re: Trump II
« Reply #4239 on: July 15, 2017, 01:39:47 am »

This is what I'm talking about.

Well, you didn't bother to post about my response to you in Reply #4337

You realize Jared Kushner is a pretty important person in the White House...I kinda find it important to know that before assuming his various jobs, he met with Russians and failed to disclose that on his papers to get a security clearance. I meant the doodle is doing like almost everything for Trump, right?

Here's a list: Here Are All the Jobs Jared Kushner Is Doing at the White House

President Trump has appointed his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner to head the White House Office of American Innovation, designed to rework the government using inspiration from the private sector.

This is quite a big task for a 36-year-old with no former governing experience. But it's not the first one added to his portfolio. Kushner has been given a litany of tasks, from international diplomacy to daily White House operations.

Here's a look at everything Kushner has been tasked with in the White House.
[I'll just post the bullet points, you can read the explanations in the article]

Advising Trump

Reinventing government

Being a 'shadow diplomat'

Brokering peace in the Middle East

[ok, that didn't work out too well]

Now, if he can just keep his security clearance (and stay out of jail). Maybe he should get his own flak jacket for use here at home :~)

Sorry if you don't think this is an important topic...I do.
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