I am trying to establish a new workflow in which I export my LR raw file (after LR adjustments) to Edit in PS as a Smart Object and have a few questions.
1. If I want to make additional changes to the raw file, such as refining a LR mask, I can do that by double clicking on the Smart Object and redoing the prior LR edits in ACR. However, if I then close and save the PS file as a TIFF, the TIFF will go back to LR as a TIFF. Once back in LR, do the changes I made to the Smart Object in PS change the settings fir the original raw file in LR, and can I can make further edits to the raw file in LR that will show up in the Smart Object? Or, do I need to think about the original raw and the raw file adjustments in the Smart Object in the TIFF as two separate files? Is there a way to change the raw file settings in LR to the same settings from ACR in the TIFF file?
2. If I open a SO in a TIFF in PS, make a change and try to exit from ACR, it always reopens a Smart Filter that I previously applied to the SO (e.g., Topaz Sharpen AI). Is there a way to stop that, as it is a waste of time to just redo the same Smart Filter?
3. If I want to make a test print at a smaller size and downscale the original file with the SO as the background layer and I then do a Save (e.g., because I made changes to the file after evaluating the test print, is there still a way to revert to the original file size without now upscaling the file?
Thanks for any advice.