Bart, I spent this afternoon using your target to evaluation the alignment accuracy of my Canon iPF8400 printer, after a recent 'operation' to a mechanical component. I noticed something immediately - aliasing artifacts in the print. Like Mike, I discovered that the 600ppi target was set to 599.999ppi instead of 600ppi. I resized without resampling to 600ppi and printed again, this time the 'aliasing artifacts' were still present but looked different. Upon closer inspection of the target (digital file) itself on my monitor, I noticed that the cycles/mm lines are not all of equal contrast gradients - the bands I see in the prints correspond to the bands in the target. So my printer was accurately resolving the artifacts in the target afterall. Could you confirm if my observations on this is correct? In your OP you said the target should be virtually free of defects.
Hi Samuel, great question, which may have been puzzling others as well, but they may have been afraid to ask... Glad you did.
One part of the difficulty is related to the high level of detail that approaches the Nyquist frequency of the printer. To reproduce a high spatial frequency unambiguously, we need more than 2 pixels per cycle. The 2 px/cy is reached by some of the patterns (top left, and near the green circle) but it is still very sensitive to small irregularities.
The difficulty of
totally avoiding aliasing most likely has to do with gamma. When you look at the target on your (LCD, because CRT will create other issues) display at 100% zoom, AND that display is perfectly calibrated for Gamma 2.2, it will be possible to see aliasing IF one moves the observing position a bit up or down, or when viewing the display at a non-perpendicular angle. The patterns are calculated to be as perfect as possible in discrete pixels, but also needs a bit of averaging of intermediate tones that actually have
multiple levels of brightness across a single discrete pixel. That averaging is calculated to be most neutral at a display Gamma of 2.2.
But even at that level of physical constraint, even the viewing position/angle apparently is able to introduce aliasing. That's how sensitive the patterns are. So it is not surprising that printing, with additional profile conversions and ink diffusion and media surface structure and dithering, will also be hard/impossible to reproduce flawlessly. The goal should therefore be to
minimize the flaws, like density difference between horizontal and vertical running cycles. Luckily for us, normal images do not pose such challenges, or at least we cannot see them as clearly (the issues are still there, hidden by variable image detail).
Maybe, the best possible angle of attack would be to
assign the output profile to the target and then print it with that same profile (if the OS doesn't interfere), to reduce the risk of gamma conversions between profiles / colorspaces. But I would still expect a certain level of aliasing to occur. Do also note that e.g. Adobe's ACM
adds a linear slope to an AdobeRGB tagged colorspace in images in the lowest levels, so even that is not a uniform gamma space under that regime.
You can also, by simulation, learn to detect the difference between gamma induced aliasing, and that caused by dimensional influences (although the dithering patterns may also have an influence). When you (e.g. in Photoshop) temporarily change the overall gamma (in Levels, or with a curves adjustment) of the target (don't save!), you can see that mostly the horizontal/vertical running cycles will show aliasing. The diagonal running cycles can use a 41% higher accuracy of detail placement and are less affected due to being already somewhat gamma averaged or contrast reduced. However, when changing the image size a bit by resampling, the diagonal running cycles will attract a square aliasing pattern, consistent with a higher diagonal resolution capability. In a dithered print these effects may look a bit different, but it's possible that similar effects can be detected.
I used the Canon 16 bit PS Plug-in to make my prints, on Harman by Hahnemuhle Gloss Baryta. Depending on the media setting used, the Plug-in does not allow for 300ppi input resolution, only 600ppi resolution. Most of the media settings intended for printing on high quality papers have the 300ppi option grayed out. I decided to make two reference prints, one for the 'Highest (max no of passes)' setting and one for 'Highest". The former used to be 32 passes on the X1XX printers, and now is 16 passes on the X3XX and X4XX printers. The latter I believe is 7 passes, used to be 8. I have done this experiment several times before, and have long known about the much smoother dither and more uniform coverage achieved using the 'Highest (max no of passes)' setting. There is a small but slight resolution increase as well. The vertical resolution is somewhat lower, probably to the limitations of the printer, unable to as accurately fire a vertical column of dots as the paper advances over more passes. Horizontal lines are cleaner however, with less overspray effect.
Yes, there is also a potential effect due to the droplets being fired at the medium
while having a horizontal speed, thus creating a bit of a splatter pattern instead of a purely round drop, depending on the efficiency of the absorption of the top coated layer. So a slower travel speed may give slightly rounder droplet patterns, and unidirectional can look a bit different from bi-directional (in addition to hysteresis in positioning accuracy).
Here is a link to a zip folder containing 4 jpegs of actual size macro photographs of the prints themselves. The magnification is close to 1:1, taken using a Canon 100mm macro lens on a 5D II.
Thanks for those. I was planning to post some results, but I'm waiting for the profiler patterns to dry before creating another profile for a printer I'm testing. So you beat me to it ...
The 'Highest (max no of passes)' does show a subtle (but clearly visible) improvement on the limiting resolution, and a much smoother rendering of the star region. Of course we're pixel peeping, and comparing side-by-side, but there is an obvious benefit for improved quality.
The 8 cycles/mm patch looks pretty good, with almost the same density for hor/ver running cycles. The aliasing pattern, suggests a bit more gamma influence than dimensional cause to the aliasing pattern. That seems to be relatively common.
The smoothness is markedly improved, text is cleaner, and the gradient looks better (very well profiled, all the way to black).
The top left patterns demonstrate very good uniform alignment of both print-head as wel as paper travel direction. Again the 'Highest (max no of passes)' setting proves to be superior in resolving fine detail with better smoothness.
Yes, it is very useful for that! What a brilliant way to quantify resolution at viewing distances. To my eyes, the smoother dither of the 'Highest (max no of passes)' setting is visible to about 15 inches away. The higher resolution (cleaner, crisper lines) in the 4 cycles/mm lines are visible to about 3 feet away.
The resolution requirements change linearly with distance (assuming well functioning eyes/correction). So it will be simple to test for different distances. Of course some (often younger) people have better visual acuity than others.
There is a huge speed penalty however, prints take roughly twice as long to print using this setting. For example, a 24 x 36 inch print takes about 30 mins to complete, a long time but I dearly love the quality improvement, which is visible even on textured matte fine art papers.
Yes, speed takes a hit, but another of those urban myths that needs to be dispelled, is that all matte media or even canvas surfaces are blurry. There are huge differences ...