Well, I did take my D800e on a trip though India. On last day, as bell hop (yes, same chap from Grand Budapest Hotel)
came over to pick up the luggage to take me to airport for a flight back home, I reached down to hand him the bag, the camera slipped off the shoulder & fell @ 3ft on to the pristine marble floor of Umaid Bhavan palace Hotel, Jodhpur. Of course it hit at the thinnest edge where battery compartment door & frame met. It cracked, I couldn't get the fully charged battery out, I could've but didn't try hard enough. Upon arriving back in US of A, went straight to camera dealer (who I did not buy the camera from, in fact it was a gray mkt, purchased in Mumbai, hence no RRS plate. he fixed it as good as new in may be 30 secs. He said that bottom plate can be replaced but it don't need be. He also said that's the first time he saw it broke, I must've hit it at the perfect angle, but it did kept on working, I traded it in after 18 more months of perfect usage & more travel. Extremely rugged camera.