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Author Topic: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples  (Read 18964 times)

Phil Indeblanc

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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 12:18:17 am »

Waiting for my Sony A9.



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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 05:29:00 am »

A prepro model, but...

Interesting, but I cringe at the sharpening applied to the images. I'd like to get my hands on some Raw images, assuming that Canon's DPP Raw converter recognizes the camera.

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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2015, 11:19:20 am »

The Oly EM5-II is a real multi-shot camera. The Pentax outperforms it in micro contrast, but I would bet, since there is no Bayer interpolation, the EM-5 II has better color fidelity. Pictures taken with an Oly EM5-II + 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro are nothing short of amazing. The technique may seem fussy until you "get it." A rock-steady tripod and setting the shutter to delay a few seconds really helps. The dynamic range of the Oly sensor is miles ahead of any of the other mirrorless cameras. Oh, the camera and zoom together costs $2,000. This is a great camera for repro, interiors, still life, products, and under ideal conditions landscape photography.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 11:48:09 am »

The Oly EM5-II is a real multi-shot camera. The Pentax outperforms it in micro contrast, but I would bet, since there is no Bayer interpolation, the EM-5 II has better color fidelity.


This thread is about the 5DS/R, not the Oly. Anyway, it seems a bit too early for a direct comparison.

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Phil Indeblanc

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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2015, 01:01:40 pm »

Its surely an odd subject matter, and I notice the lighting setup difference between tests, or something shifting? I would have liked a couple other subjects for low ISO test. The high ISO to me I don't deal with much at all, and they looked fine (5Dsr vs others)from the quick scroll down glance.
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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2015, 04:05:13 pm »

Would be interesting to find out to what degree, if any, the "new" and "stronger" color filter array for this camera has on image colors.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2015, 04:22:19 pm »

The Oly EM5-II is a real multi-shot camera. The Pentax outperforms it in micro contrast, but I would bet, since there is no Bayer interpolation, the EM-5 II has better color fidelity.

It doesn't look like it.  The Oly multi-shot images I've seen so far don't look AT ALL like full-color, especially comparing to a real Foveon image from a DP Merrill or old Sinar multi-shot backs.  The Olympus still looks very Bayer-ish and JPEG-ish to me.  Not even close.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2015, 04:40:27 pm »

Would be interesting to find out to what degree, if any, the "new" and "stronger" color filter array for this camera has on image colors.

Indeed, that has my attention piqued as well. Hopefully Capture One Pro will soon after its release add support for these files.

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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2015, 04:53:17 pm »

Waiting for my Sony A9.

Same here.  These Canons looks interesting, or they would have been a few years ago, but the adaptability and mechanical simplicity of the Sony A-series mirrorless cameras lead me to think of DSLRs as last decade's Rube Goldberg dinosaurs.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2015, 10:02:04 pm »

It doesn't look like it.  The Oly multi-shot images I've seen so far don't look AT ALL like full-color, especially comparing to a real Foveon image from a DP Merrill or old Sinar multi-shot backs.  The Olympus still looks very Bayer-ish and JPEG-ish to me.  Not even close.

OT, but it'd be interesting to see a proper comparison between the E-M5ii in multi-shot mode and one of the Merrills using subject matter known to induce chroma aliasing with Bayer sensors. What I've seen so far from the Oly looks pretty darn good in that regard.



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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2015, 11:42:15 pm »

I've just seen some Oly multi-shot images from Diglloyd's paid reviews, and I think they look pretty good.  No color artifacts compared to the enlarged single-shot images, and superior fine detail.

I was initially judging from the DPreview and Image Resource samples, which are always horrible, IMO.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2015, 08:05:04 pm »

Those samples are IMHO a great ad for the 645Z, the other 3 cameras are so close in terms of detail that they would be pretty much impossible to tell apart in most situations.

Differences in lenses quality are likely to be more impacting.

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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2015, 07:03:56 am »

Those samples are IMHO a great ad for the 645Z, the other 3 cameras are so close in terms of detail that they would be pretty much impossible to tell apart in most situations.

Hi Bernhard,

I agree that the 645Z seems to hold up just fine. However, it's a bit hard to judge it without proper sharpening applied to the files. The OM 5 II files seem to sharpen nicely but it would require a proper lens test for the aperture used to find the optimal settings for deconvolution sharpening. The 645Z doesn't allow too much sharpening, due to the lack of OLPF.

The 5DS seems to be able and offer very nice base material for excellent sharpening, the 5Ds R remains to be seen (also depends on how it plays together with certain lenses).

Differences in lenses quality are likely to be more impacting.

Lens + sensor must always be seen as a combination. The 5DS sensor is likely to boost the system MTF of any lens, possibly by some 10% higher MTF at medium to high spatial frequencies, compared to a 36MP sensor! That has some seriously positive image quality consequences.

Zeiss must be in heaven. ;)

Indeed, their timing also proves to be very fortunate.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 07:07:19 am by BartvanderWolf »
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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2015, 07:19:59 am »

Lens + sensor must always be seen as a combination. The 5DS sensor is likely to boost the system MTF of any lens, possibly by some 10% higher MTF at medium to high spatial frequencies, compared to a 36MP sensor! That has some seriously positive image quality consequences.

Yes, everything else being equal, but I don't really see that much additional details in the 5Ds files. Probably less artifacts, but not really more details or at least not as much as the 50 vs 36 would have led me to expect.

Now these are just some samples and it will take images shot with an Otus to really figure out what the sensor is able to deliver.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 01:27:33 am by BernardLanguillier »


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2015, 03:02:31 pm »

Yes, everything else being equal, but I don't really that much additional details in the 5Ds files. Probably less artifacts, but not really more details or at least as much as the 50 vs 36 would have led me to expect.

Now these are just some samples and it will take images shot with an Otus to really figure out what the sensor is able to deliver.


Hi Bernard, I asked Imaging Resource about their choice of lens for this comparison, this is what they wrote back:

We use a Sigma 70mm f/2.8 Macro, one of the sharpest lenses we've tested. (It's a legendary design; Sigma stopped making them because they couldn't get the special glass used in one or more of its elements any more.) We're looking at updating our set of test lenses, but that's more so we can use the same optics across more bodies than it is because we feel the 70/2.8s aren't sharp enough.



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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2015, 10:38:22 pm »

I own a Nikon D800E, as well as a few Canon bodies and lenses. A 50mp sensor interests me, especialy when I also already have a number of lenses that fit the body of the new sensor.

However, when I compare these Imaging-Resource results from the 5DSR with the Nikon D810, at ISO 100 and ISO 6400, at 200% on my monitor, after upsampling the D810 shot to the same file size as the 5DSR shot, I see no significant difference in either noise or resolution that would persuade me to buy  the 5DSR.

On the other hand, those who don't have any Nikon cameras and lenses, and who were thinking of switching to Nikon, can take comfort in the fact that this new Canon 5DSR could equal, on average, the performance of the best that Nikon can offer, with the possible exception of image quality in the deepest shadows, which might not be an issue for most photographers.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2015, 02:49:31 am »


I am waiting for A9, too. From the recent news at Sony Alpha Rumors I guess it is a bit longer wait, perhaps end of this year?

I am a bit curious about how you feel about focusing on mirrorless cameras. I know you are a great expert on manual focus, how does that work out with an EVF?

Best regards

Same here.  These Canons looks interesting, or they would have been a few years ago, but the adaptability and mechanical simplicity of the Sony A-series mirrorless cameras lead me to think of DSLRs as last decade's Rube Goldberg dinosaurs.
Erik Kaffehr


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2015, 05:38:59 pm »

..this new Canon 5DSR could equal, on average, the performance of the best that Nikon can offer, with the possible exception of image quality in the deepest shadows, which might not be an issue for most photographers.

Huh!  Leaves out sports, wildlife and landscape guys.  Probably wedding guys too.  Only someone shooting with controlled light can work around noisy shadows by overexposure and pulling down.

In addition, considering the almost $2000 price difference between a D810 and 5DSR, I find the Canon really un-compelling.   Seems a lot of money to have to work around an issue that is already solved better elsewhere.  Of course, if I only owned Canon lenses or just had a Canon jones then obviously, something is better than nothing.


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Re: Canon 5Ds/R New review with file samples
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2015, 07:40:08 pm »

I have the D810 and the 5D Mark II.  I have a lot more Canon glass than Nikon glass and generally prefer the Canon lens lineup.   The D810 is an amazing camera...  A bit on the fence with the 5DS, but thinking it makes more sense to get the 5DS than to sell my entire Canon system.   I think I will use the Nikon for Dynamic Range limited scenes (common) but use the 5DS R and the 17/24 TS-E when DR is not an issue.

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