It would be interesting to take the theoretical/optimal findings to a more practical level. I am sure that it would also cause some dissent.
I believe that applying some degree of AA filtering can only reduce the magnitude of the MTF.
1. What kind of deconvolution is needed to make a given D800 image match a D800E image of the same scene, given optimal known technique, algorithms and parameter settings? How is the noise vs sharpness trade-off at high frequencies (perfect sharpness match might mean objectionable levels of high-frequency noise/artifacts). I believe that Bart has contributed on optimal gaussian deconvolution parameters, but how do you factor in the SNR at those frequencies in a visually enlightning way?
Not exactly sure what you mean with the SNR remark, but one obviously needs to use a deconvolution method that favors detail over noise, for an effective increase of the SNR. The regularized Richardson Lucy algorithm is still a very good algotithm, although for low noise images the regularized Van Cittert algorithm can also do wonders. Specific versions of deconvolvers are useful for spatially variant deconvolution across the image, e.g where the corners need very different parameters compared to the center of the image. Deconvolution can also be only applied on masked regions with a certain level of minimum detail, and thus spare smooth gradients from amplified noise.
2. How close can a given image be matched in e.g. Lightroom for a D800/D800E comparision (assuming that commercial software is not necessarily optimal)
Depending on the gap to close, the visual impression of contrast roll off towards higher spatial frequencies can be reduced by deconvolution. So then in output, it will be extremely hard to see any difference, unless the images are magnified a lot. Then the OLP filtered images will has marginally less absolute resolution, but it also depends on subject contrast. The magnification will also increase the visibility of aliasing artifacts, so it's a complex issue to answer, TANSTAAFL.
3. At what (if any) smaller apertures does the AA filter reduce sharpness by some non-trivial amount while diffraction ensure trivial amounts of aliasing even without the AA filter (is there a case for removing the AA filter for those who regularly want deep DOF and good detail, but may still not like aliasing)?
The effects of diffraction are not abrupt, so they will gradually increase as one stops down from wide open. It then becomes the interaction of the Lens MTF (limited by residual aberrations and defocus) and Diffraction that determines the effect on modulation. This is called the Optical Transfer Function (OTF), and its formula (which requires integation) is given e.g. by
David Jacobson's excellent FAQ/tutorial.
In my experience, the Diffraction effects start to just become visually apparent when the diffraction pattern diameter becomes larger than 1.5x the sensel pitch. Others use a more relaxed criterion of 2x sensel pitch, but then I'm maybe more sensitive to seeing the degradation. From there on the diffraction will increase with the use of narrower apertures, until it completely destroys any modulation, at a spatial frequency of Cycles/mm = 1/(wavelength x Aperture), where wavelength is expressed in the same units as the spatial frequency, i.e. millimetres (e.g. 0.000555 for green filtered sensels, as explained
Slightly before diffraction alone reduces modulation/resolution to zero, the modulation will already be so low that only the highest contrast subject features stand a chance of being resolved, assuming the use of a perfect lens an perfectly circular apertures. More modest subject contrast will already lose enough system modulation to be unresolvable at lower spatial frequencies.
4. For a given AA filter blur (e.g. 0.7x sensel pitch horizontal and vertical comb filter), how large camera vibrations would be needed to obtain similar*) blur? For 50MP and e.g. 200mm lens, I have a gut-feeling that you have to bolt your camera really well to the ground for this to matter much, even if lens and focusing and aperture is ideal.
Obviously camera handling/technique will play a role, but it's hard to quantify, because so many other factors also play a rol. Defocus is one of the major ones, and there is only a very narrow range with truly perfect focus, the rest is just 'acceptable' (from a COC point of view, which is output viewing conditions related).