Holy moley, where do you shoot, shadowblade? O2 deprivation? Everest?

wildlight, those are lovely shots of the Anna's hummer, and the water shot is particularly unusual. Was the hummer trying to sip from a water fountain? Getting ready to bathe?
Maybe I should rent a Nikon D810 and wide angle lens, or Sony A7r with Canon adapter, and take it out for a landscape weekend, shoot high dynamic range subjects.
I am not that demanding of image quality in that I have yet to print to the enormous sizes some people prefer. Holy Batman - 40" x 120"? For me, I stick to 11" x 14", I don't have a huge amount of wall display space, I live in a 1 bedroom flat, ginormous just looks goofy. I have printed 2' x 3' APS-C images as gifts for other people, and when seen at expected viewing distance, they look pretty good. No, the images wouldn't satisfy IQ standards of professionals and picky amateurs, full frame would have been better (but I didn't have it at the time), but I was surprised at how well they look on the wall.