For the better part of the last 10 years, I've been taking photos with a SLR (and more recently, DSLR).
Since owning the DSLR, I realised I grew up, at home, using a rangefinder camera (Voigtlander) that my parents owned. This has been "retired" because the flash broke and was not reparable. This realisation only came about when I saw that name mentioned in a article on the website here and thought "I wonder...".
I've read the articles here about digital rangefinders and they've left me wondering if they're "ready" for normal use, especially for someone who is used to using a [D]SLR.
The first question, not having done any extra research on this topic outside of reading this website, is, what other web sites have articles about people using rangefinders "in the field" and comparing them with SLRs on how they function, quality of picture, etc?
Also (because I haven't yet researched the topic well and I'm feeling lazy |-), how have others, aside from those who have written articles for this website, found using a digital rangefinder for an extended period of time after using a DSLR?
Are there any others, of note, aside from the Epson R-D1? Putting "digital range finder" into google gets me the first page with only hits about that product.
Has anyone, who primarily uses this type of camera, actually compared one with another?
btw. can we call a digital rangefinder a DRF?