Perhaps I'm not on board with the point your trying to make.
It seems more like you're feigning ignorance after having your own points refuted.
Are you trying to suggest that the 7D2 is a better wildlife/sports/action camera than a D810/800?
I am not "trying to suggest" this; I have directly stated it.
It seems
you are "trying" to come to grips with the reality of how the facts are panning out, after having your own bubble burst twice now.
If you would like a recap of "what happened," one person called the new 7D II's overall specs, "lame." What I did was refute that ridiculous statement by showing how (basically) the 7D II may well prove to be
the best camera out there for the money. Essentially, the 7D II looks to have all the capability of the Nikon D4 and Canon 1Dx for a fraction of the cost. That is strong, not lame.
What YOU are having trouble understanding is that
other overall features "make" a camera; it's not just resolution. I guess I have to repeat myself, until it sinks in with you:
this is why the D4 is twice as expensive as a D810;
it is a more useful, higher-spec, camera in pretty much every other useful category, and it resolves awfully well too. Just not quite as well as the D810, but
it does everything else better. Same with the 1Dx: it is a more useful
overall camera, which is why it is likewise almost twice as expensive.
The D810 is a great camera at pretty much only ONE aspect: resolution. Say that to yourself until it resonates with you ...
Other than that, the D810 is basically is a mid-level runner at everything else ...
So, yes, the 7D Mark II
is a better overall wildlife camera for about
half the cost of the D810.
Quite frankly, it basically has all the capabilities (and more) of the D4 and 1Dx at a fraction of the cost of these.
This makes the overall specs of the 7D II GREAT, not "lame."
Because if that's so, then your comparison should be with the D7100 and whatever the successor to that will be (D7200 or the like).

I guess you're burying your head in the sand of your own creation

A quick review of our conversation reveals you are the one who said "+1 for Nikon," just because the D810 also shoots crop-only lenses

I merely pointed out
the fact that so does the 7D II ...
And when you make the comparison as a crop, the D810 is actually a lamer crop-level camera than the 7D II. The 7D II would handle cheap lenses better, for cheaper $$, and would produce better images as a crop than the D810 too. So, the truth is exactly the opposite; your own comparison is another +1 for the 7D II. Basically, ANY way you want to slice it, whether putting the most expensive Zoom + extender on the D810, or by putting cheap lenses on the D810 using at as an ASP-C, you have a lesser system on the
crop D810 than you would with the 7D II + anything.
The truth is, the D810
only excels by using the full capability of its sensor, not as a crop, and with the best prime (not zoom) glass.
Then you indeed have a special camera, and that is the only +1 for Nikon. But that comes after taking two -1s.
If you are now trying to back-pedal out of your own statements regarding crop capabilities ... feigning comprehension of what "I" am trying to say (lol) ... and are now trying to pass the buck onto the D7100, it too falls short in most categories. But not all.
Hope this clarifies,