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Author Topic: Your impressions of the 5D & the new essay  (Read 8105 times)

Ben Rubinstein

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Your impressions of the 5D & the new essay
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:45:53 pm »

As a matter of interest and as someone whose no bull opinion I value, do you find the 5D to have the same or similar resolution of the 1Ds (original)? There is quite a bit of talk goign around the forums that it still doesn't reach the 1Ds for resolution.

A interesting side point from the new Sony is that decent and useable chips will be coming to P&S cameras, maybe a decent street shooting pocket camera is not such a far off and strange concept after all.

As you say I doubt Canon will stop with the 5D and FF, they are set to make a killing with the 5D and the 3D will do even better. Integrate the '1' series and leave the 1.6X crop for the entry level at prices of $400 and they will have solidly set the foundations for the future. Now if only they would do something with their WA lens lineup!


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Your impressions of the 5D & the new essay
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 06:57:57 pm »

More a comment about Mike's new essay, then a reply to the post.

The Mantra in the Digital Age is "Faster, Better, Cheaper!"

Thiry years ago 8 bit processors were the norm, running at kilohertz speeds, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Look at what you can buy for your home today: 64 bit processors, running at 3 Megahertz, costing about $1500 - $2000.

Conclusion: 4/3 is dead, long live full frame - Michael's essay is a harbinger of the future.

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Your impressions of the 5D & the new essay
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 06:58:09 pm »

Interesting question.

My sense is that the 5D's sensor is superior to that of the original 1Ds buy a small but noticable amount.

I have no data to support this though, just get feel. One would have to do a pixel peeping side-by-side compariosn to be certain.

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