You can't achieve with ImageMagick what I'm attaching here (actually, you need a program that currently only exists on my laptop's HDD), but if you have opinions RE: the following results, I'd be thankful to have the opportunity to read them.
Perfect examples of theory lining up with results. Things are not always this "perfect".
(Obviously (?), I'm not going for halo free. I'm going for good clean punch.)
Hi Nicolas,
Quite a nice balance between trade-offs for this image. While the higher spatial frequencies (and aliasing) have a higher (esp. undershoot) amplitude, they do mix into a pleasant rendering for this image at this size. I assume that the higher aliasing amplitude is less than the increased amplitude of the highest spatial frequencies that those aliases will be mirrored to, so that results in a net gain.
I do indeed wonder how it does on the
slanted edge target (which will show how well it is usable for various subjects, and it allows to quantify its resulting sharpness). Another interesting (really tough) image like
this one (resized to 533x800 pixels poses some interesting challenges that made me revise some of the earlier IM attempts) would also be nice to see your version of.
P.S. I've been experimenting with higher Keys Cubic alpha values in ImageMagick, but the gains are minimal and the drawbacks need more elaborate artifact suppression than we have currently implemented (so that may be the next thing I'll concentrate on). Especially the dark side halo undershoot becomes problematic pretty fast, and raising the gamma above 5 will start to visibly affect color saturation (of single pixels), in the 32-bit IM version.
Here's a link to another (star) test-target that will reveal aliasing issues quite well, typically a challenge with down-sampling. It's also with this target that the difficulty with higher Keys alpha values is in the increased tendency to produce visible aliasing and other resampling artifacts. Of course, this is a more critical challenge than normal subject matter will pose, but that's the purpose (reveal worst case scenario performance).
Attached is what the current script (Version 1.2.2) produces when down-sampled to 20%, with a sharpening amount of 100.
The Nyquist frequency is as always located at a central diameter of 92 pixels, regardless of down-sampling percentage. Inside that diameter we can expect aliasing that would show up as aliasing mixed with small features in regular patterned image content, and just outside that diameter there may be visual artifacts due to resampling issues (blocking, ringing, quantization).
Make sure to watch at 100% zoom in a dedicated image editor/viewer, the browser may still resize it despite what it tells you.