Very cool!
Perfect timing, but was it a little too perfect? Did you have a tour guide/interpreter ask the boy to pose that way or was it an actual captured moment? I hope you don't feel insulted, but I'm always amazed by the perfect timing of some photographers and wonder if all photos are because of that timing, anticipating a photo based on what they see about to happen or setting up a shot.
For years people thought Robert Doisneau's "The Kiss" was an actual, photojournalistically captured moment, but he later revealed to someone that the couple were models he had hired to pose.
I'm typically too slow on the trigger to capture these moments. I shoot in too slow and plodding a way requiring too much time to get set up and compose. Kinda like 4X5 guys.
By the time I'm ready, the moment's long gone. So I can always appreciate those who can capture fleeting moments. Landscapes I can do if I have enough time to see the opp, position the tripod, get the bubble level in the camera hotshoe just right, zoom in or out, adjust exposure, and shoot, sometimes bracketing a bit, and chimping. Although I've always shot with a 35mm SLR or similar DSLR, I'm more plodding and pedantic like an LF photog.
I would love to be able to capture moments like those in under 2 minutes and have it not look sloppy with the composition or other element. I'm admittedly envious of those who can. Good job!