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Author Topic: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses  (Read 18601 times)


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Re: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2014, 11:59:24 pm »

The famous introduction to The Story of Art (1950) --

"There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists. Once these were men who took coloured earth and roughed out the forms of a bison on the wall of a cave; today some buy their paints, and design posters for hoardings; they did and do many other things. There is no harm in calling all these activities art as long as we keep in mind that such a word may mean very different things in different times and places, and as long as we realize that Art with a capital A has no existence."--

Wow - that's it, exactly. For once we agree, Isaac.  :)
Terry McDonald -


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Re: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses
« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2014, 02:35:15 pm »

("If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."). In your case, I needed only eight words ;)

Oh! So that's what you've been trying to do!


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Re: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses
« Reply #62 on: June 09, 2014, 02:51:25 pm »

Unfortunately, the moment the masses say, "Wow, this amazing art" or worse "this is pretty; I want it on my wall", the same works somehow become relegated to the "low art" or "decorative art" shelf. It seems that as long as the masses don't like it, it remains rare, almost untouchable and, therefore, of interest to the high art collector.

"The Metropolitan Museum also held the second-most popular show of last year [2003], a mid-career survey of German photographer Thomas Struth organized by the Dallas Museum of Art."

Daily 5,790, Total 273,793, pdf Thomas Struth, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, 4/2/03-30/3/03

Thomas Struth, Auctioned pieces, prices
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 03:25:28 pm by Isaac »


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Re: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses
« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2014, 03:34:13 pm »

There's plenty of perfectly lovely stuff that's extremely valuable and collectible. The observation that once the commoners like something it loses value is simply false.

Quite a lot of contemporary art is unlovely. The common man will never want it for decor, because it's ugly and often much too big anyways. This is because the two roles of 'decorating' and 'meaning' (or whatever description of Art qua Art you like) have been separated. Art need not be decorative, and so, often, it is not.

This is a modern idea. But it is the idea we have now.


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Re: arguably the visual art of choice for the masses
« Reply #64 on: August 14, 2014, 04:41:01 pm »

Move along now, nothing to see here.
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