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Author Topic: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7  (Read 14718 times)

The View

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Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« on: March 18, 2014, 01:45:46 pm »

I can no longer open Capture One Pro 7.

I have had 12 crashes in a row now.

All I did was move a few files from my main computer to my external hard drive.

Then I wanted to start up Capture One Pro 7 to located/reconnect, but I could no longer start it up. The interface appears for a second, then Capture One crashes again.

Is this a corrupted catalog? Does this mean I lose my adjustments to 12 000 images?
The View of deserts, forests, mountains. Not the TV show that I have never watched.

David Grover / Capture One

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Re: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 06:37:06 am »

Open Capture One but keep the ALT key held down so that problem catalog won't be opened.

Just make a new catalog or session (you can delete it when you are done) and then choose File>Verify Catalog and point to the problem Catalog.

Then attempt a repair.

In future - its best to do your moving of images inside Capture One - then the database is updated as you go.

If no luck, the Catalog DB can be sent to support and they will look at it for you.


David Grover
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Re: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2014, 09:51:14 am »

If a simple image move from one hard drive to another causes a total crash, Capture One, might want to look at a work around for that.  In other software with catalogs, you will just get a ! point telling you the image is no longer found in the catalog and you can quickly browse, find it and then update the catalog.

I don't use C1 in catalog mode, only session, as I still prefer a session methodology.    I have seen this same type of error in session mode, where it seems C1 has somehow lost the data from the last session, however it just lets you open a new session and continue. 

Also to be forced to move images from one drive to another via Capture One to maintain catalog consistency seems a bit excessive to me. 

Just glad that Capture One still has both options, session and Catalog.

Paul Caldwell
Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.

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Re: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2014, 11:12:30 pm »

I'm not sure if moving a folder from one hard drive to another is safer within the Capture One Pro 7 catalog than doing it outside, and then reconnect.

I have had one catalog corrupted by deleting a folder from inside the Capture One Pro 7 catalog.

The best thing for a user is to know that C1's catalogs are unstable, and to always keep a full catalog copy on a different hard drive.

For Phase One the best thing to do is to update the software so it matches Lightroom's catalog in performance. There are many issues that cause crashes, and others, that make the C1 catalog a pain to use, e.g. keywording, or the lack of control over naming at import.

To return to the theme of the thread: yes, the catalog got corrupted by moving a folder. It's often the  move of the last folder of a bigger folder that causes the problem.

I could later start up C1 with a different catalog, and when switching to the affected catalog, C1 crashed.

I lost a whole workday due to this and wish the catalog would be updated to 2014 technology.
The View of deserts, forests, mountains. Not the TV show that I have never watched.

David Grover / Capture One

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Re: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 10:34:37 am »

If a simple image move from one hard drive to another causes a total crash, Capture One, might want to look at a work around for that.  In other software with catalogs, you will just get a ! point telling you the image is no longer found in the catalog and you can quickly browse, find it and then update the catalog.

I don't use C1 in catalog mode, only session, as I still prefer a session methodology.    I have seen this same type of error in session mode, where it seems C1 has somehow lost the data from the last session, however it just lets you open a new session and continue. 

Also to be forced to move images from one drive to another via Capture One to maintain catalog consistency seems a bit excessive to me. 

Just glad that Capture One still has both options, session and Catalog.

Paul Caldwell

Hi Paul,

Correct it shouldn't happen at all and yes, 'normal' operation is that a ! is shown on the missing image.

Unfortunately these things do happen on extremely rare occasions and we have a number of tools to repair a catalog if need be, as described earlier (repair / verify Catalog).  Not to mention a support department with an average response time of around an hour and no more than 24 hours.

I don't think its fair to say that C1 Catalog's are unstable (I know not your words Paul), and that users should avoid them.

We have many happy customers using Catalogs.

Most importantly if you do have an issue, don't suffer in silence and let support help you.


David Grover
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Re: Crash Crash Crash - cannot open Capture One Pro 7
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2014, 11:23:31 am »


No problem, I love C1, and will always be a session user.  I only wish I had that option in LR. 

Paul Caldwell
Little Rock, Arkansas U.S.
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