Well, he's specifically going for non-dramatic. Quiet and contemplative. I don't think we need to draw on the eldritch powers of International Art English to explain the pictures.
I think it's possible that the opening photo on his web site works better in the context of the book. The collection shown strikes me as a mixed bag of "small" scenes. The smallness and lightness is obviously by intent. There's a bright tonality coupled to a flatness of light that goes through most of these photos which strikes me as a deliberate attempt to hit that "quiet contemplative" note. They all look misty, basically. I can imagine a pretty decent portfolio that would hit that note, and would include the pictures on the web site.
The web site itself is, I assume, a subset of the larger portfolio, and may be an effort to illustrate the breadth of the thing, destroying any overall structure that might be present. Without some portfolio structure, I think a lot of the pictures kind of fall apart, they're not strong enough to stand alone. Not that I am saying there IS definitely some structure into which all these fit, only that I can believe there could be. The book could well be a disorganized mess of weakish pictures too, for all I know.