I just have to say it's pretty obvious it wasn't designed by a web professional - lots of big design no-nos, but I don't think anyone there cares, since you guys seem to have made all the decisions already...but it's obvious to those of us that do sites regularly. For example - meta keywords have been useless for quite some time now...years. For such a high profile site you would do yourself wonders by spending some cash on a proper designer.
Thanks for the compliment kaelaria, I see that some things never seem to change. The last time there was a big site update I think you said the exact same things

As far as meta-keywords being useless I think you might want to do a little more research in that area if you "do sites regularly" -- while some search engines
supposedly ignore that's not true for all of them and there really are actual real good reason to have them there that go beyond search engines. It seems that you just really have a hate on, but if things are so bad here how did you still manage to rack up thousands of posts on this forum?

I'd like to quickly address a couple of things that people have mentioned in this thread:
Javascript: It's not the 90's anymore and those couple of security issues that Netscape Navigator had back in the day are honestly no longer a problem. If you want to have any kind of web experience these days javascript is part of the deal. If you go out of your way to disable javascript because you are paranoid or think it's a security issue then you're going to have to deal with the consequences (like not having navigation menus and not being able to load web stores). Javascript is a pretty essential component of web design now that we're in the 21st century.
Fixed Width: This was a design decision we made and it is primarily about readability. A previous poster mentioned word limits per line and this is exactly why we made this choice. While we don't stay under the suggested words per line limit (and the jury is still out on exactly what that one is, some gurus suggest 35 as a max) we do try to at least keep it reasonable -- especially when compared with the older layout that was liquid. Considering we are a photography website and really do need to have at least a decent amount of pixel width for image purposes we compromised between "enough" width and readability limits. This is not something that we did arbitrarily.
Overall required page width: Again, this is a photography website. We need to use up some real estate if you want to see reasonably sized images instead of thumbnails everywhere. The site fits perfectly within the screen resolution on a standard 13" Macbook Pro (again a deliberate design decision) if you maximize the browser window. If you have to side scroll there are two options -- make your browser window bigger or upgrade your monitor (are there really still 1024 max width users out there reading pro photography websites?)
Font Choices/Colour Choices: This is not the end-all and be-all of it, it's just a step along the way. There is a ton of legacy content to consider here (and yes some of it was done with Frontpage way back when

) and it's a work in progress. For now we've stuck with what we've had for all these years but that doesn't mean it will be this way forever ...