I would suggest that what you see along the chimney is coming from the highlight compression using the highlight slider. It uses a new kind of tone mapping developed (or rather implemented?) by Adobe. This tone mapping is one of the great advantages of Lightroom (ACR), but it can have side effects, like the one you demonstrate.
Another area is that my favorite sharpening, using small radius, amount around 45 and detail at 100 gives haloes around contours. Moving the detail slider left kicks in halo suppression. You can try amount 100 and detail at zero, Tim Parkin has used it for some of his tests, and it seems to work well.
One area I find problematic with LR (on my P45+) is that it produces lot of color aliasing artifacts. What I have found is that RawTherapee gives the least aliasing artifacts of the raw developers I have tested.
With LR, I normally use a gradient filter on sky, see parameters below. Boosting clarity tends to improve clouds and bleak skies benefit from saturation. Reducing exposure about a half stop does not affect treetops to badly. I often change exposure and higlights, but this is a decent default. Next step is that I adjust global exposure and often add higlight reduction. Next step is to move "blacks" so I get some pure blacks and add an amount "shadow".
Both highlights and shadows can do tone mapping/tonal compression and both can cause artifacts. But this is parametric editing so you can always go back.
Sky gradient filter settings, color artifacts on water surface, same color artifacts after "moiré suppression" in LR5.
The last sample shows all possible color artifacts, for this image I would use C1 or rather RawTherapee.
Best regards
I've been shooting Hasselblad H4D-50 for years, and all the iterations of the H before that.
Using only the Phocus software from Hassie as my RAW developer.
I've now moved to the Nikon D800E and the Zeiss 21mm lens as my default.
Shot my first image a couple of days ago and have been comparing RAW developers with the D800E RAW files.
Dang, quite disappointed in what I'm getting from LR5 or CS6's RAW developers!
Find the images when viewed at 100% have "ghosting" attributes and color fringing that do NOT appear when I
tested the files developed with Capture One or DXO Pro!!
But what is annoying is that ignoring the "ghosting" attributes, LR's Highlights and Shadows sliders produce a better image.
The images here are 100% views and then cropped out of the original file.
Shot on the D800E and the Gitzo tripod - rock solid so no issue with shooter error.
To see the full image, just hit my web site shown in my signature.