I wonder if we can divide this subject up a little to throw some more light on the matter.
We have taste about something or some action taken which we might simplify down to be discussed as the subject.
The subject can be created by a person/s or as the result of human actions OR
it can be created by nature, God call the process what you will.
I can't fathom the intentions of nature or God however I do think the intentions of the creator of a 'subject' is part of the taste equation.
I suspect but can't prove that the motivation of people who create 'subject' matter which others approve or disapprove of has changed, or at least the % of 'subject' matter that is created, to say "look at what I have done, pay me some attention" has increased - sometimes it is just about money but I think the social media process demonstrates the cry for personal attention that occurs where money is not involved.
Is this just a modern channel for something that has always existed?
Maybe or maybe we have become more desirous of individual attention and less happy to be just part of the tribe/village etc.
This post may be just written to prove the point.