I have had the demo for a long time. Got the XE1 as it is such a good deal right now and the m43 cameras do not have the physical controls i prefer. By the time i was done with the lens deal i made a size-able investment, but i figure i am investing in glass..... But anyway i processed some shots in CapOne, nice i thought, Aperture was ok as well... Then i did my trial of Iridient, finishing in Aperture.....what a difference, the colors were most natural and using it was quite easy. I did a bit with winter green so not a good test. I think Iridient may be right for me. I like Photo Ninja as well but i don't need one of each on my computer. I am debating buyong the new version, missed the December sale but the price is reasonable enough and i can use Aperture to catalogue and use NIK with if needed. Any tips on using Iridient with XTrans appreciated.