Here's some more "sand in the vaseline" regarding ebook pricing that I'm surprised wasn't mentioned here...
"Sand" in the vaseline? I find it intriguing that folks invested in content creation would want to promote an attitude of "low bid" to save the day ... When the rate is bottomed out by retailers like Amazon ... it isn't only the publishing houses that lose out ... so do the authors ... Without which, neither the publishers or Amazon would be in existence ...
As a consumer, I can appreciate a bargain ... however, on the other hand, who wants to invest all the time, effort and artistic flair only to receive pennies on the dollar because the virtual monopolistic retailer in question believes that is the best method to achieve success?
While Apple may have been found complicit in the effort, I think they may have shown authors a much higher level of respect than Amazon has. IMHO the "sand" in the ointment is much more the result of Amazon than any other entity.