Hey, as long as we're (well, some of us are) moving into the subject of deliberate limitation...who among us has actually taken photos over an extended period of time with just one lens on one camera? How was the experience?
I did this in the Middle East in 1983-85 with a Canon AE-1 & 50mm lens. Not exactly by choice...I was young and ca$h was tight, but I also wanted to travel light. Worked out quite well. I'd never actually used a 50mm lens previously...grew up with a 35/90mm pair on a Leica M2. Then in late 1994 I spent ten days in Grand Canyon National Park. My 70-200mm zoom jammed up on day one and I was forced to fall back on a 90mm macro as my sole lens. This worked out great...I sync'd up with the lens right off and never missed the zoom. In fact I'm sure I
saw better due to the lack of zooming capability/distraction. I ended up sticking with the 90 for months afterward too. I've done the same sort of thing a few times since then by choice, but it doesn't work as well for me when I know I have other lens options available.
I've included two photos, the first taken by my Nederlander friend Kees deGroot in February 1984 (of me, using the AE-1/50mm combo, on Kodachrome 25) and the second (a selfie!) at the Grand Canyon with the 90mm (on Provia 100). Any intimation of self-absorption is quite unintentional.
