Crangratulations to your grand daughter! Quite an hono(u)r.
Thanks, T, and she has just graduated as follows: "....... ....., Law with French Language, LLB with Honours of the First Class awarded with Distinction in Spoken French."
also awarded
"Dr John MacCormick prize for the most distinguished Law graduate of 2013."
Apart from reading Law in Glasgw, she spent a very expensive period in Paris studying at a French institute there (law, and in French), and it sure paid off. But then, she has a close sibling offering challenges in Medicine, and if anything, they are both blessed with parents who have done as much as humanly possible, within their means, for both kids to study and get on in life.
I realised that she has something special back when she was a young teenager and would come stay with us a while in summer; she would always argue and hold her own, defeating me most of the time by never arguing in a straight line but going mentally sideways, like a crab. It got me every time. I guess it's the natural superiority of (some) women!
Reflected glory is very enjoyable!
Rob C