Two things: he obviously received a bad copy (like my second M8), and firmware could fix many of the implementation issues. My thoughts are if you are going to use it like a Nex7, just use a Nex7. Japanese electronics usually beat the Europeans. Leica excels with mechanics, although his copy puts this statement in doubt.
Leica needs to decide what they want to be.
A fashion statement, a throwback to the past, or a photographer's tool.
What I've seen from the cmos M doesn't impress me and has all the issues of the M series with parallex and high lens prices.
In fact when I bought into the 4/3's system with Gh3(s) and Olympus OMD's I bought adapters for my Leica lenses thinking they would be amazing and they underperformed the pana and olympus lenses by a wide margin.
Maybe (probably) there is a lot going on behind the curtain to correct CA and sharpness of the pana zooms and Oly primes, but the end result is surprising.
Saying all of this, I like traditional cameras, real f stops and a shutter dial. I firmly planed to buy a 240 to replace my M8, but now I don't think I'll go there. In fact if I was going to buy any Leica it would be the S system and even then I'm not sure if it tethers well or at all and I haven't given it much research.
I just finished the first leg of a long lifestyle gig, shooting stills and motion and shot about 75% with the 4/3 system cameras. They don't have the actual detail of my Canons, or contax, (almost equal to the M-8) but the small and fast form factor, just changed the way I worked. Looking at a session I did with the Olympus and my 1dx, the 1dx had more detail, not more dr, but was harder to color and didn't have the same spontaneous look as the Olympus.
I'm really sold on the 4/3's system cameras and even though olympus needs one more generation to get it right, it's still an interesting camera with great lenses.
The Panasonic gh3 (though not near as pretty as the Oly) has about everything right.
Well actually they both need in camera nd's as the fast lenses and a 4000th shutter speed requires nd's to get to some desired looks.