Hi all,I saw this listing of 128 gig CF cards on newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007796%20600006181%20600006245&IsNodeId=1&name=128GB and wonder if anyone can shed light regarding the huge price difference, and where the threshold is regarding cards that will work with my Aptus II 12R? Yair may be the only authority here but I am sure many will find the answer to the question interesting.Thanks,Kevin
There's a list here as well, for Phase and Leaf Credo backs: http://www.phaseone.com/Search/Article.aspx?articleid=1592&languageid=1
I'm just going to throw a note of caution out there. If a card this size goes bad, imagine losing 128GB of images. Just saying.