Doug, you're kidding, right? SCOTUS found in favour of Katz. In addition to that, Katz deals with government intrusion in the form of search and seizure. That's what the 4th Amendment considers. The 4th Amendment has no bearing in a matter such as this. Further, the quote you reference is out of context. SCOTUS referred to another case, Lewis v United States wherein Lewis invited the undercover government official into his home. A second case is referenced, U.S v Lee, and that case deals with probable cause.
I've never seen these people before so of course I couldn't pick them out of a line up. That's not germane. The people who were photographed know who they are. Their neighbours probably known who they are. That's the relevant test.
Doug, it's clear you really don't have a comprehension of facts or circumstances and will simply try to grasp at any straw, no matter how irrelevant or out of context. As such, I will expend no further energy in this matter with you.
Peter, purely on the basis of art: No.