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Author Topic: Setting up an office/digital darkroom/print matching room (with pics)  (Read 2206 times)

adam z

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Some of you might remember I was setting up an office/digital darkroom/print matching room.
Well, it is coming along nicely and just thought I would share my progress so far. Carpets are in, walls painted - nor I need some good blockout neutral grey curtains/blinds, and of course to buy my printer and assosciated technical bits and pieces, a few additional power points, and getting some Solux globes to light it all. I will also upgrade the furniture once finances allow - firstly a really good chair, and then a better desk.

You can get a better idea of the walls by these screenshots of the wall and grey card:

Custom white balance made by clicking on the wall in Lightroom (6600, +10) sometimes the variation is smaller, depending on where exactly you click on the wall or card. The difference between this and the "card clicked" shot is on the bad side of average

Custom white balance made by clicking on the card in Lightroom (6550, +15)

Lastly, just a rough self portrait in the new office. The colour of the walls doesn't look as neutral as it should as I had to try and get my skin tones less terrible than they looked when WB was adjusted for the flash fill. Main light is just the screen. I left abalance between bad skin tones and bad walls - it was taken about 1am with minimal gear, and I know if I had gelled the flash I could have got a much better result, but it's just a quick illustration - nothing too serious.



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Looks pretty smoooth, compared to mine:


« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 12:53:40 am by xpatUSA »
best regards,


bill t.

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Nice lookin' setup there Adam!  Wish I had the room for that.  If I clicked the wall of my work room, the puck would smoke.

I hate to tell you this Ted, but that tarp is probably out of gamut.  Next time, one of those silvery-grey ones.


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I hate to tell you this Ted, but that tarp is probably out of gamut.

Only the highlight side of the tarp...

adam z

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Tried working in here once, but the lighting inside wasn't quite right - just a little too yellow :D
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 09:18:46 am by adam z »
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